Issue No. 30 Autumn
(November 2010)


ENS News

Word from the President

French and American nuclear history under the spotlight

ENS Events

Pime 2011

RRFM 2011

NESTet 2011

Member Societies & Corporate Members

ENS welcomes new corporate member to the ENS family: ONET technologies

First spent fuel container has been placed in interim storage at Temelín

A case of “yimby” as SKB seeks a permit to build a final spent nuclear fuel repository at Forsmark

News from the Paks NPP in Hungary

Research reactor operators want Europe to maintain its global lead

The Romanian Association for Nuclear Energy celebrates 20 years of activity

Westinghouse’s Chinese construction programme reaches significant milestone

ENUSA: 25 Years in Salamanca

SNE news

News from the Finnish Nuclear Society (ATS)

Report on the experiences of the nuclear summer camp

SCK•CEN, renowned partner in a worldwide network, signed several collaboration agreements  

YGN Report

Jan Runermark Award

Interview of Vincent de Rivaz– CEO of EDF Energy

The contribution of the Young Generation of the Austrian Nuclear Society

ENS World News

NucNet News

ENS sponsored conferences

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff


Pime 2011

Pime 2011
13 - 16 February 2011 in Brussel, Belgium


RRFM 2011

RRFM 2011
20 -24 March 2011 in Rome, Italy


NESTet 2011

NESTet 2011
15 - 18 May 2011 in Prague, Czech Republic


















ENS welcomes new corporate member to the ENS family: ONET technologies

We are delighted to announce that a new corporate member had joined the ENS family - ONET Technologies, from France.

For thirty years ONET Technologies, which is based in Marseille, has specialised in delivering its customers patented innovative technological applications aimed at enhancing the efficient operation of nuclear reactors and at providing a reliable and sustainable source of nuclear energy. It has provided technical expertise in a range of projects, such as the ITER project and others related to Generation IV reactor technology. The 2,200 engineers and technicians that work for ONET Technologies support their customers with continuous technical support and advice throughout the operational duration of the nuclear plants.

In France ONET Technologies is particularly renowned for its all-round expertise, most notably that relating to engineering, construction, reactor maintenance, decontamination, waste management, dismantling and training. Throughout its history protection of mankind and the environment against radiological risks has always been a watchword.

More information about our new ENS member can be found on the ONET Technologies website at:

Below is an interview with Dominique Mouillot, CEO of ONET Technology, which was published in the ENC 2010 Conference and Exhibition Guide.

What is ONET TECHNOLOGIES’ position on the nuclear market?

ONET TECHNOLOGIES has offered its customers engineering and other types of services catered to the nuclear industry for the last 30 years. With a 20% increase in business volume, we have seen strong performance again this year.


ONET TECHNOLOGIES is a leading player in the dismantling and decommissioning and waste management sector. It is currently overseeing major contracts such as the dismantling of the Brennilis nuclear reactor block, which is the first reactor to be dismantled in France.

We are the top company for nuclear logistics and radioprotection for the French nuclear fleet.

We have fostered a culture of innovation in order for our teams to develop customised solutions that allow us adapting to the specific demands of international markets. This strategy has helped us obtain strategic dismantling and waste management contracts in Bulgaria, Ukraine and Romania in 2009.

Our international development is supported by our network of subsidiaries including ONET TECHNOLOGIES BULGARIA, ONET TECHNOLOGIES ROMANIA, ONET TECHNOLOGIES ITALIA, ONET TECHNOLOGIES UK – GRAVATOM, and we are currently in the process of launching ONET TECHNOLOGIES SLOVAKIA.

What has characterised ONET TECHNOLOGIES’ activities over the last few months?

We are proud to have accomplished several successful commercial achievements in the nuclear maintenance sector.

For instance, as part of the EDF contract, with our partner, CCI Sulzer, we will be responsible for twelve of the twenty-eight work batches in the call for tenders to replace fuel racks for fuel building pools. This contract provides business prospects until 2017.


In partnership with COMEX NUCLEAIRE, MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES was awarded a contract to supply three new Replacement Steam Generators (RSG), which brings us to fifteen contracts in four years.

We were also awarded, along with our partner, LAINSA (DOMINGUIS Group) a contract to develop preventive cleaning processes for Steam Generators.

What are your goals for the future?

In 2010, we continue our investments in human technical resources in order to provide solutions for all of our customers’ major projects.

Our teams are fully equipped to submit tenders for future contracts in the power reactor maintenance field, with the supply of large components and full installations such as the Machinery Room for the EPR which this entails.


We will continue to strengthen our leadership in decommissioning, dismantling, and waste management trades.

Our ability to develop on an international level remains one of our strategic focuses. Spain, India and the United States are currently our main geographic targets.

As part of our dedication to finding solutions for the future, we are actively involved in projects such as ITER and Generation IV reactors, which in the long term, will revolutionise the world energy landscape.

ONET TECHNOLOGIES – 36 Bd de l’Océan, CS 20280, 13258 Marseille cedex 09, France –

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