Issue No. 30 Autumn
(November 2010)


ENS News

Word from the President

French and American nuclear history under the spotlight

ENS Events

Pime 2011

RRFM 2011

NESTet 2011

Member Societies & Corporate Members

ENS welcomes new corporate member to the ENS family: ONET technologies

First spent fuel container has been placed in interim storage at Temelín

A case of “yimby” as SKB seeks a permit to build a final spent nuclear fuel repository at Forsmark

News from the Paks NPP in Hungary

Research reactor operators want Europe to maintain its global lead

The Romanian Association for Nuclear Energy celebrates 20 years of activity

Westinghouse’s Chinese construction programme reaches significant milestone

ENUSA: 25 Years in Salamanca

SNE news

News from the Finnish Nuclear Society (ATS)

Report on the experiences of the nuclear summer camp

SCK•CEN, renowned partner in a worldwide network, signed several collaboration agreements  

YGN Report

Jan Runermark Award

Interview of Vincent de Rivaz– CEO of EDF Energy

The contribution of the Young Generation of the Austrian Nuclear Society

ENS World News

NucNet News

ENS sponsored conferences

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff


Pime 2011

Pime 2011
13 - 16 February 2011 in Brussel, Belgium


RRFM 2011

RRFM 2011
20 -24 March 2011 in Rome, Italy


NESTet 2011

NESTet 2011
15 - 18 May 2011 in Prague, Czech Republic


Jan Runermark Award 2010

André Versteegh

The Dutch Young Generation is delighted to say that Mr. André Versteegh has been chosen to receive the 2010 Jan Runermark Award. He was nominated by the Dutch Young Generation for his support during his entire career.

André is founder and former director of the Nuclear Research and consulting Group (NRG) in Petten, the Netherlands. As director he gave the Young Generation the opportunity to organise ourselves and act as an independent organisation.

André graduated in 1969 from Delft Technical University with a specialisation in Nuclear Engineering. After his graduation he started as

business unit manager at Reactor Centrum Nederland (RCN). In 1985 he became programme leader Nuclear Energy at Energie Centrum Nederland (ECN).

In 1998 the nuclear research was split of ECN and André was the founder and director of this new company. He stayed at NRG till his retirement in 2010. Currently André is the president of NucNet.

Besides his work he had several international additional functions as board member in ENS, Foratom and NICE. At national level he was active in the board of Netherlands Nuclear Society (NNS), Kernvisie, ITER-NL and PINC (Conservation Nuclear Competence). He still is board member of stichting KINT (Knowledge Infrastructure Nuclear Technology).

During André’s career he always stimulated young people and the Dutch Young Generation to debate about nuclear energy as part of a safe, reliable and clean energy future. André often discussed with us at an inspired way and open for our opinion.

He has always been supportive with the organisation of lectures and congresses. The Dutch Young Generation is still thankful for his support with the organisation of the European Young Generation Forum which was held in Amsterdam in 2007. 

The Jan Runermark award is the best way to thank André for his support to the Dutch Young Generation.

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