Issue No. 33 Summer
(June 2011)


ENS News

Word from the President

Fukushima’s confirmation

ENS Events

NESTet 2011: putting nuclear education and training centre stage

Cogent and OECD-NEA join-up on nuclear skills at NESTet 2011

Member Societies & Corporate Members

Three new corporate members join ENS

The end of nuclear? A big mistake

Bulgarian Nuclear Society's Annual Conference

Uncertainty analyses of models for high-level waste and spent fuel disposal: Results of the MICADO and GLAMOR projects

Preparedness and a collaborative approach work best for meeting global customers’ growing energy needs

SNE News

The Hungarian Nuclear Society Celebrated its 20th Birthday

News from the Finnish Nuclear Society (ATS)


Westinghouse Hosts European Stress Test Workshop

Journal of nuclear research and development sees light of day

State-of-the-art gamma radiation measurement technology can improve how we manage disaster scenarios

YGN Report

Professor Helmuth Böck wins the prestigious Jan Runemark Award

BNS-YG newsletter

An educational initiative between the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear

European Nuclear Young Generation Forum 2011

ENS World News

NucNet News

IYNC 2012

ENS sponsored conferences

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PIME 2012

PIME 2012
12 - 15 February 2012 in Warsaw, Poland


RRFM 2012

RRFM 2012
18 - 22 March 2012 in Prague, Czech Republic


ENC 2012

ENC 2012
November 2012 in Manchester, United Kingdom

Westinghouse Hosts European Stress Test Workshop

In response to the accident at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant EU member countries have agreed to carry out so-called earthquake “stress tests” at all of their nuclear plants. In support of this initiative Westinghouse organised a Stress Test Workshop for European nuclear utilities, which took place on 12 and 13 May, in Brussels. A total of 37 people representing 12 customer utilities participated in the event. Representatives from Japan also attended.

Westinghouse Stress Test Workshop

Anders Jackson, President of Westinghouse’s Europe, Middle East and Africa Region, welcomed the participants. In his opening address he noted that: “As a leader in nuclear design and technology Westinghouse has a responsibility to our customers and our industry. We are holding this workshop to better understand and meet your future needs.” He went on to say that: “The initiative to conduct ‘stress tests’ on the EU’s fleet of operating nuclear reactors has driven stakeholders to multiply actions in preparation for these safety and risk assessments…..Westinghouse is involved in the development of the tests and can bring to bear its original equipment manufacturer experience on severe accident management, and its global design base to assist utilities in addressing them.”

Delegates then listened to an appreciation of events at Fukushima from a Westinghouse plant operator’s perspective. The utility described how its plant might have responded to such a severe event as the one that occurred in Japan, and outlined the many modifications that have been made over the years to increase the safety of operating units.

René Bastien, Westinghouse’s Customer Project Manager for the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Electrabel, reviewed the company’s existing capacity for carrying out possible post-stress-test improvements. He discussed preventive measures, such as enhancing the resistance of plants to “beyond-design-basis station blackout events and enhancing resistant to external events,” as well as the development of mitigating measures and an overall analysis of existing capabilities. Mr. Bastien then went on to discuss related Westinghouse products, such as the Emergency Fuel Pool Cooling System and SHIELD® passive thermal shutdown seal, both of which have garnered increased interested in recent months.

workshop delegates

Other topics under discussion during the workshop included:

  • An “insider perspective” on Fukushima

  • A discussion on U.S. actions and initiatives following events in Japan

  • A description of the Westinghouse approach to stress-test methodology & possible solutions

The workshop concluded with a panel discussion moderated by Yves Brachet, Westinghouse’s Vice President and Managing Director for France, Benelux and the Republic of South Africa.

For further information on the workshop consult the dedicated web pages at:


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