Issue No. 33 Summer
(June 2011)


ENS News

Word from the President

Fukushima’s confirmation

ENS Events

NESTet 2011: putting nuclear education and training centre stage

Cogent and OECD-NEA join-up on nuclear skills at NESTet 2011

Member Societies & Corporate Members

Three new corporate members join ENS

The end of nuclear? A big mistake

Bulgarian Nuclear Society's Annual Conference

Uncertainty analyses of models for high-level waste and spent fuel disposal: Results of the MICADO and GLAMOR projects

Preparedness and a collaborative approach work best for meeting global customers’ growing energy needs

SNE News

The Hungarian Nuclear Society Celebrated its 20th Birthday

News from the Finnish Nuclear Society (ATS)


Westinghouse Hosts European Stress Test Workshop

Journal of nuclear research and development sees light of day

State-of-the-art gamma radiation measurement technology can improve how we manage disaster scenarios

YGN Report

Professor Helmuth Böck wins the prestigious Jan Runemark Award

BNS-YG newsletter

An educational initiative between the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear

European Nuclear Young Generation Forum 2011

ENS World News

NucNet News

IYNC 2012

ENS sponsored conferences

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Three new members join ENS

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff


PIME 2012

PIME 2012
12 - 15 February 2012 in Warsaw, Poland


RRFM 2012

RRFM 2012
18 - 22 March 2012 in Prague, Czech Republic


ENC 2012

ENC 2012
November 2012 in Manchester, United Kingdom

Professor Helmuth Böck wins the prestigious Jan Runermark Award

Helmuth Böck

The Austrian Nuclear Society is delighted to announce that Helmuth Böck has won the 2011 Jan Runermark Award. He was nominated by the Austrian Young Generation for the continuous encouragement and tireless support that he has given to the fields of nuclear energy research and education in Austria over the years.

Helmuth Böck graduated in Technical Physics from the University of Vienna in 1966 and obtained his Professorship in Reactor Safety there in 1979. He was Reactor Manager at the Vienna Research Reactor (TRIGA) from 1967 to 2008. From 1970 to 1978 he worked as an expert on the licensing of the I&C Systems at the Zwentendorf Nuclear Power Plant (NPP).

Since 1975, he has been a consultant to the IAEA and has worked closely on over 150 research reactor projects. Since 1999, he has also provided the EU with expert guidance on numerous projects.

The Austrian Nuclear Society was founded in 1980 with Helmuth Böck as its first President. The primary aim of the Society was to get the Zwentendorf NPP up and running as it had not been allowed to start operating following the political referendum that took place in Austria in 1978. A second referendum was planned for 1986, but it had to be cancelled due to the Chernobyl accident and Austria’s anti-nuclear policy has remained in place ever since.

Faced with the very special circumstances that the Zwentendorf and Chernobyl referenda had created in Austria, Helmuth worked hard to preserve nuclear competence and knowledge in Austria alive. The foundation of a Young Generation Network in Austria was an important step in this direction. Bearing in mind the sceptical nuclear environment in Austria this has proven to be a very challenging project that has required patience, endurance and great application.

The Young Generation Network was officially founded following a visit by students to the Temelin NPP in 2006. Helmuth Böck gives many lectures on nuclear science at the Atominstitut and tries to motivate students to embrace nuclear technology. He has ceaselessly supported the Young Generation with their various projects, participated at round tables and in field trips and supervised many diplomas and PhD theses. He has, therefore, been a key factor in keeping a certain level of nuclear expertise and knowledge alive in our country.

The Fukushima accident and the prompt initiative that was taken by the YG to establish a public information office – the only one in Austria – suddenly placed the YG and the Atominstitute (ATI) at the centre of public and media attention. This was highlighted by the visit of the Minister of Science and Research on 18 March. With the help of the YG the ATI is now established as the centre of competence for nuclear science and technology in Austria. It has demonstrated that even in a strong anti-nuclear country like Austria maintaining nuclear competence and knowledge is of the highest importance - it cannot be abandoned in favour of other “soft technologies.”

Eileen Radde
Austrian Young Generation


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