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European Nuclear Society
e-news Issue 44 Winter 2014

IYNC 2014

IYNC – Up to the challenge

The registration for IYNC 2014 is now open !!!


with the early bird special rate applicable until the 1st of May

Conference participation benefits include:

Conference technical tracks:

Participants in IYNC 2014 will have the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience with key-note speakers such as Dr. Moon-He Chang, South Korea, South-Korean Nuclear Society President and KAERI Vice-President, Mr. Mike Weightman, UK, former ONR HM Chief Inspector, head of first IAEA mission to Fukushima, Mr. Ken Ellis, Canada, WANO Managing Director, Dr. Shunsuke Kondo, Japan, Chairman of the Japanese Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), Dr. Ralf Güldner, Germany, CEO E.ON Kernkraft GmbH, Mr. Danny Roderick, USA, Westinghouse CEO & President, Mr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras, Spain, European Parliament Vice-President, Mr. George Beveridge, UK, Sellafield Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Don Hoffman, USA, ANS Chairman.

In addition 3 plenary, 5 panel sessions, 15 interactive unique workshops and 4 media training session will be organized.

Plenary Sessions:

Panel Sessions:


Media training sessions:


We would like to invite our followers to keep up to date with IYNC network and conference, by visiting our website at www.iync.org.


© European Nuclear Society, 2014