Issue No. 44 Spring
(April 2014)


ENS News

Word from the President

ENS Events

RRFM 2014: French research team wins Poster Prize

ENC 2014

TopFuel 2015

Member Societies

SNE News

Seminar on new NPP units in Hungary

Open Door Day at the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute in Bratislava

YGN Report

IYNC 2014 - Up to the challenge

Atoms for the Future 2014: Design, Licensing & Construction of NPPs

Corporate Members

Automated Measuring System for Industrial and Ecological Monitoring: a priority for Russia’s Zelenogorsk uranium enrichment electrochemical plant

Laboratory furnaces / protective gas furnaces up to 1800 °C

Brand new fire engine symbolises increased effectiveness of SCK•CEN company fire brigade

L-3 MAPPS to Replace Daya Bay Simulator I/O System

New installations at von Karman Institute drive MYRRHA forward

Decommissioning and disposal on conference agenda in Germany

Atomexpo 2014

ENS World News

ENS sponsored conferences

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff

ENC 2014

ENC 2014
11 - 15 May 2014 in Marseille, France

TopFuel 2015

Topfuel 2015
13 - 17 September 2015 in Zurich, Switzerland









































































IYNC 2014

IYNC – Up to the challenge

The registration for IYNC 2014 is now open !!!   

with the early bird special rate applicable until the 1st of May

Conference participation benefits include:

  • IYNC Games

  • Welcome Reception Dinner

  • Cultural events: Visit to winery, cathedral visit and “tapas” route

  • Farewell Dinner at “Coco-Atapuerca” Restaurant

  • Technical Tour (option to choose one)   

    • ENSA Manufacturing Facility for large nuclear components

    • Juzbado Fuel Manufacturing Facility

    • Garoña Nuclear Power Plant

    • Tecnatomsimulators and facilities

    • José de Cabrera NPP

    • Trillo NPP

    • Ciemat investigation center with stellarator (TJ-II)

  • Access to all IYNC 2014 session and proceedings materials.

Conference technical tracks:

  • Operation and Maintenance, Design Modifications, Radiation Protection

  • Generation 3 Reactors and SMRs

  • Reactor Physics and Materials (including Advanced Reactors, e.g. Gen IV)

    • Thermal-hydraulics

    • Neutronics

    • Materials

  • Safety, PRA, Severe Accidents and Fukushima

  • Fuel Cycle Front-end and Non-Proliferation

  • Decommissioning, Fuel Cycle Back-end and Waste Management

  • Fusion

  • Training, Human Resources and Human Factors

  • Politics and Economics, Social Acceptance

  • Medicine and Other applications

  • YGN Best Practices

Participants in IYNC 2014 will have the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience with key-note speakers such as Dr. Moon-He Chang, South Korea, South-Korean Nuclear Society President and KAERI Vice-President, Mr. Mike Weightman, UK, former ONR HM Chief Inspector, head of first IAEA mission to Fukushima, Mr. Ken Ellis, Canada, WANO Managing Director, Dr. Shunsuke Kondo, Japan, Chairman of the Japanese Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), Dr. Ralf Güldner, Germany, CEO E.ON Kernkraft GmbH, Mr. Danny Roderick, USA, Westinghouse CEO & President, Mr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras, Spain, European Parliament Vice-President, Mr. George Beveridge, UK, Sellafield Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Don Hoffman, USA, ANS Chairman.

In addition 3 plenary, 5 panel sessions, 15 interactive unique workshops and 4 media training session will be organized.

Plenary Sessions:

  • Nuclear Safety

  • Training, Education & Leadership

  • Energy & Nuclear Power Development

Panel Sessions:

  • Decommissioning & Waste Management

  • Non-Proliferation

  • New Energy Markets

  • Nuclear Communication in the 21st Century: Emerging Trends & Changes

  • R&D Landscape for New Nuclear Systems


  • New Build or Refurbishment?

  • Nuclear Science and Nanotechnology

  • Nuclear Energy Sustainability

  • Fuel Cycle Game

  • Thorium Reactors and the Next Nuclear Fuel

  • Small Nuclear Power Reactors

  • Fusion: A 50 Year Story

  • Balancing Nuclear Power’s Global Expansion with Proliferation Prevention

  • Women Going Critical in Nuclear (Interact with Female Leaders from Around the orld)

  • Nuclear Waste Challenges and Your Solutions

  • Tools to Use in Your Local YGN

  • Will Nuclear Kill Cancer?

  • Starting New Ventures in Nuclear/Nuclear and Entrepreneurship

  • The Trouble with Justification: Societal Opinions of Nuclear Acceptability

  • Knowledge Transfer Between Generations

Media training sessions:

  • Are we communicating or are we managing a complex interactive process ?

  • How do we deal with media in a broad organization context ?

  • Why do people have the wrong risk perceptions, and how do we address them ?

  • How do we communicate when things are going wrong ?


  • Keynote session

  • Special Fukushima session: 3 years from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident – Reality, Challenges and Future (presented by the Japanese Young Professionals)

  • 2014 ENEN PhD Event

  • Pandora’s Promise movie

We would like to invite our followers to keep up to date with IYNC network and conference, by visiting our website at



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