sne - 1974-2014


This year, true to tradition, the SNE organized its winter symposium, which was entitled Nuclear Power Plants in 2013: Experiences and Perspectives.  The seminar offered Spanish nuclear industry representatives the opportunity to discuss, together with university teachers and students, issues relating to nuclear power plant operation in 2013 and to the future of the nuclear industry.

Nuclear Power Plants in 2013. Experiences and Perspectives

The Nuclear España Best Article Prize was awarded this year by SNE’s Editorial Committee to Almudena Real and Beatriz Robles for their paper entitled Radiological protection of the environment: evolution and prospects. The Editorial Committee also gave an Honorific Mention to the magazine edition entitled International nuclear market.

 Nuclear España Best Article Prize

 A ‘Special Mention’ was also made to mark the 25th Anniversary of the Vandellos II and Trillo NPPs.

Special Mentions

The SNE Ordinary General Assembly took place immediately after the seminar. 
The 40th Annual Meeting will be held from 1-3 October of 2014 in the city of Valencia, hosted by Iberdrola. All relevant information about the meeting is available at:

40th Annual Meeting

Regarding the activities of the Young Generation network, Jóvenes Nucleares, it is worth highlighting that the next International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC) will take place in Burgos (Spain) from 6-12 July 2014.
The Terminology Committee, whose mission is to define with maximum accuracy the Spanish vocabulary that is used in the fields of nuclear energy, technology and management sciences, has updated 74 nuclear terms in the glossary that features on the SNE’s website: The glossary now contains a total of 1050 nuclear words, which are provided together with their French and English equivalents.

The major contribution of Spanish NPPs to Spain’s total energy production
The contribution made by Spanish NPPs in 2013 to Spain’s national electricity production was equivalent to19,8% of the total consumption. Nuclear generation was the largest generation source in Spain, followed by wind (19.3%), coal (14.7%), cogeneration (12.1%), hydraulic (11.8%), gas combined cycle (10%), other renewables (9.9%), and fuel (2.4%).

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