Issue No.9 Summer
(July 2005)


ENS News

ENS President's Contribution

Tapping Unusual Quarters

ENS Events

ETRAP 2005

ENC 2005

PIME 2006

RRFM 2006

Topnux 2006

Member Societies & Corporate Members

News from Germany

News from Romania

News from Czech Republic

YGN Report

Forum 2005

Jan Runermark Award

European Institutions


FORATOM on Baltic sea Region

ENS World News

Japan: green light for Monju

NucNet News

Greenpeace Co-Founder


Karlsruhe Research Center invites applications

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

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ETRAP 2005

ETRAP 2005
23-25 November 2005 in Brussels


RRFM 2006RRFM 2006

RRFM 2006
30 April - 3 May 2006 in Sofia, Bulgaria



















































The First European Nuclear Young Generation Forum 2005 launched in Zagreb

Zagreb, capital of small Central European and Mediterranean country, has a privilege to host the first European Nuclear Young Generation Forum 2005, shortly Forum, within 7-12 June 2005. The Forum was organised on the initiative of YGN of the Croatian Nuclear Society as an event jointly co-organised with the European Nuclear Society (ENS) and the International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC). The idea to organise such an event appeared during the ENS YGN Core Meeting in September 2004. Nevertheless, a short period of preparations did not reflect to quality of the Forum itself and variety of activities it consisted of.

A crew of around 80 young professionals, researchers and postgraduate students, with background in nuclear science / engineering, from 19 countries (of which 18 are ENS member countries) came to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) at the University of Zagreb to take part in this multi scope event.

The Forum started with a gala welcome buffet and continued next morning with the opening plenary session. Representatives from Croatian Nuclear Society, University of Zagreb, NPP Krško and State Office for Nuclear Safety has welcomed all participants to Zagreb. The ENS representative at Forum, Gaston Meskens, Chairman of the ENS Program Committee & ENS Representative to the United Nations FCCC and CSD, has given a strong support and encouraged participants to contribute and benefit from this Forum.

YGN Froum 2005
Opening Plenary Session at the University of Zagreb

The organisers has put some initial standards what Forum as YG event should include. First of all, the Forum was a technical event since the whole first day was reserved for the workshop on various concepts for radioactive waste management. The invited speakers were well prepared and motivated young professional coming from companies dealing with radioactive waste. The workshop has covered topics such as Scandinavian, French, Belgian, Accelerator Driven System (ADS) concepts for waste management and innovative concepts in USA too. The workshops were really interactive between presenters and the audience followed with comments and constructive roundtable discussion.

Waste Management Workshop organised by YGN
Waste Management Workshop organised by YGN

The second significant constituting components were two guided technical tours. The first one led to the Westinghouse type Nuclear power plant Krško in Slovenia. The participants were welcomed by NPP’s Director of Production in the NPP’s information centre in the city of Krško and had opportunity to hear most important facts on operational and safety status of NPP Krško. Later on the professionally guided visit in NPP Krško was set to see turbine building and main control room, cooling towers, essential service water system, dam and intake part from river Sava.

Technical Tour in NPP Krsko
Technical Tour in NPP Krsko

The second technical tour was hosted in the laboratory for in-service inspection of the Institute for Nuclear Technology – INETEC Ltd in Zagreb. The Institute’s personnel presented their mainstream business which covers the in-service inspection of the reactor pressure vessel and reactor pressure vessel head, both for PWR and VVER reactors, and additionally steam generator U-tubes inspection, plugging and unplugging process for PWR and VVER reactors. The technical tours ended with barbecue at a great Jarun like in Zagreb with a spirit of domestic live band.

One day was completely programmed to enforce international networking among young nuclear professionals. The whole Friday was dedicated to presentations from various ENS YGN countries (and USA) on their members’ activities within the last decade. Additionally to oral presentations there was a poster session specially focused on the YGN activities.

International networking among young nuclear professionals
International networking among young nuclear professionals

The acknowledgment goes to the IAEA representative, Geetha Sadagopan, for presentation on Education and training in radiation protection and waste safety. The ENS representative, Gaston Meskens, continued with a lecture on Complex Problem Solving. The representative of World Nuclear Association, Irina Borysova, had a presentation entitled as “Nuclear Renaissance: A Global Reality”. For the majority this was also an opportunity to become acquainted with the operation of World Nuclear University, and its first Summer Institute to be held in Idaho Falls this year. Kim Dahlbacka, ENS YGN Chairperson, came with a presentation of results of interesting survey he conducted in co-operation with YGN colleagues in ENS member countries on the future of nuclear energy foreseen by young generation.

In the UN’s World Year of Physics 2005 ENS YGN is celebrating 10th anniversary of its existence and work. This was a great opportunity to celebrate this anniversary in Croatia in presence of so many participants. The Forum culminated in official celebration of 10th Anniversary of ENS YGN in splendid evening and dinner at Croatian Journalists’ Society covered with a performance of live rock band.

10th Anniversary of ENS YGN at Croatian Journalists' Society in Zagreb
10th Anniversary of ENS YGN at Croatian Journalists’ Society in Zagreb

The Forum was also a place for youngsters to plan and organise some future events – International Youth Nuclear Congress 2006 to be held in Sweden with a technical tour in Finland. At the same time a regular ENS YGN Core Meeting with Board elections took place at this Forum.

IYNC 2006 Executive Committee Meeting and ENS YGN Core Meeting
IYNC 2006 Executive Committee Meeting and ENS YGN Core Meeting with new Co-Chairperson Igor Vukovic, outgoing Chairperson Alexandre Tsibulya and new Chairperson Kim Dahlbacka.

The last day was prearranged for a visit to the National park “Plitvice Lakes”, a part of UNESCO world natural heritage. Events attended by young people are always followed with a numerous social events. With so many present countries and great contribution this was simply the best way to improve networking and exchange experience on one place. Those with surplus of energy and spare time joined to the six-day long Post-Forum Sailing Tour at the Dalmatian coast and islands.

The Forum has finished with a trip to the National park "Plitvice Lakes"
The Forum has finished with a trip to the National park “Plitvice Lakes”

We are very happy about the fact that YG contributed in starting of new ENS co-organised event and moreover that YG within the Europe is becoming more successful and efficient with concrete results on the benefit of the whole European nuclear community.

The organisers are thankful to the sponsors (ENS, IYNC, Westinghouse Electric Sweden, NPP Krško, Croatian Electrical Utility - HEP, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing - FER, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Enconet International, Enteko, National and Zagreb Tourist Board) who supported organisation of the first Forum, without which support this event would not be an event such it was.

At the very end the youngsters have spontaneously agreed this experience was fruitful, educational and at last experience far beyond the technical!

YGN will do an additional effort for the Forum to become a traditional biannual event, in between IYNC and vice versa. Next Forum is expected to be in June 2007. The YGN member countries are encouraged to take into consideration their nomination and give a proposal for hosting the next Forum.

Prepared by: Igor Vukovic, Croatia, ENS YGN Co-Chairperson 2005-2007

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