ENC 2014


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ENC 2014

The European Forum to discuss Nuclear Technology Issues, Opportunities & Challenges

11 - 14 May 2014, Marseille, France

FFF 2014: Post-conference Technical Tour

Deadline to register for the Technical Tour is 28 April 2014.

The Technical Tour will take place on Thursday, 15th May 2014. Delegates attending this Technical Tour will successively visit 3 places:

1. ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor)

ITER is under construction in the South of France, adjacent to the CEA Cadarache Research Center, located in the commune of Saint-Paul-lez-Durance. The tour will bring visitors on the elevated, 42 ha platform, where 39 buildings and technical areas are going to be built within the next few years. The visit will include a first stop at the Visitor Center, with a close look at the two ITER mock-ups: the ITER facilities and the Tokamak. Then, the group of visitors will head up to the Tokamak pit, where propping and reinforcement works for the Tokamak Complex – the 360 000 ton edifice that will house the ITER Tokamak and supporting diagnostic and tritium systems were completed end of 2013. For this special occasion, the visitors will have the opportunity to visit the PF coils winding facility, the 12 000 m2 infrastructure that will house the assembly of the poloidal fields coils, part of ITER’s magnetic confinement system.


2. The JHR (Jules Horowitz Reactor) - Jules Horowitz (1921-1995)

Located at CEA Cadarache Research Center, the JHR is an experimental reactor for the study of the behavior of materials/fuels under irradiation. It is an answer to a technological and scientific challenge: testing fuel and material behavior in a nuclear environment and in extreme conditions. The JHR is a pool-type reactor designed to operate at a maximum power of 100 MW. Its design allows a large experimental capability inside and outside the reactor core. Its construction was launched in 2007, at the creation of the JHR Consortium, the international group of organizations which finances its construction. The JHR is scheduled to start operation in 2019 as an international User’s facility on the CEA Cadarache site.

Jules Horowitz Reactor

3. Tore Supra

Tore Supra is a French Tokamak that began operation after the discontinuation of TFR (Tokamak of Fontenay-aux-Roses) and of Petula (in Grenoble). Tore Supra is the only one of the largest Tokamaks to have superconducting toroidal magnets, allowing the creation of a strong permanent toroidal magnetic field. Tore Supra is situated at the CEA Nuclear Research Center of Cadarache. It started operation in 1988. It has a goal of creating long-duration plasma; it now holds the record of the longest plasma duration time for a Tokamak (6 minutes 30 seconds and over 1000 MJ of energy injected and extracted). It allows to test critical parts of equipment, such as plasma facing wall components or superconducting magnets that will be used in ITER.

Tore Supra


  • 8:30 departure from Marseille

  • 10:00-11:00 first cycle of visits (Bus 1 JHR, Bus 2 TS, Bus 3 ITER)

  • 11:00-12:00 second cycle of visits (Bus 1 TS, Bus 2 ITER, Bus 3 JHR)

  • 12:00-13:30 lunch organized in CEA Maison d’Hôtes/Château de Cadarache

  • 13 :30-14 :30 third cycle of visits (Bus 1 ITER, Bus 2 JHR, Bus 3 TS)

  • 14:30 departure from Cadarache

  • 16:00 max. return in Marseille

The number of participants is limited; access will be granted on a first-come-first-served basis.

Registration fee:

  • Delegates registered for FFF 2014 and for FFF 2014 together with ENC 2014: 100€ (ex. VAT)

  • Delegates registered for ENC 2014 only: 150€ (ex. VAT)

Go to registration







ENC 2014 Diamond Sponsor

ENC 2014 Gold Sponsor


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