
"NUCLEAR FUEL: Addressing the future"

Programme content

The three-day TopFuel 2006 programme consists of plenary sessions (a general session followed by ten technical tracks) and two afternoon poster sessions. The plenary speakers include both invited speakers and authors of accepted oral abstracts.

download Announcement

The programme starts on Monday 23 October at 09.00 to end at Wednesday 25 October at 19.00.

The opening session of Monday morning 23 October 2006 will be held at the University of Salamanca, the oldest University in Spain, founded in 1218 by King Alfonso IX. The University has always dominated life in Salamanca. It is therefore appropriate that it serves as the starting point for TopFuel 2006.

Escuelas Mayores
The heart of Salamanca University is on Calle Libreros 1 - the main building called Escuelas Mayores, which boasts a magnificent façade completed in 1533 in the so-called Plataresque style, a 18th century library, and a series of authentic historical lecture rooms where famous Spanish scholars have addressed their students throughout the centuries. It is in one of these lecture rooms that the TopFuel conference programme will take off - in the 16th century Paraninfo, the hall which is still used for all official University events and celebrations.

Following the morning session, the delegates will have a walking lunch on the first floor of the courtyard gallery.

The technical tracks, starting from Monday afternoon 23 October 2006, will take place at the Conference and Exhibition Centre of Castilla and León located on Cuesta de Oviedo (off Plaza San Bartolome), a 10 minute walk from the University

The technical tracks will cover the following topics:

Opening Session I:
Opening Session II:
Future Trends in Nuclear Fuel
Technical Session I:
Security of supply
Technical Session II:
High Burnup

Technical Session III:

Fuel Performance
Technical Session IV:
Fuel Cycle Strategies and Core Management
Technical Session V:
LOCA & RIA Issues

Technical Session VI:

Advance in Fuel Design
Technical Session VII:

Fuel Manufacturing

Technical Session VIII: Methods and Models I
Technical Session IX: Spent Fuel Management
Technical Session X: Methods and Models II


download the Programme.

Conference and Exhibition Centre of Castilla and León