TopSafe 2012

Technical Visit

On Thursday 26 April TopSafe participants are invited to a technical tour to the Olkiluoto Visitor Centre.

All available places for the technical tour have been taken. It is currently not possible anymore to register for the technical tour.

At the Olkiluoto Visitor Center delegates will receive a guided tour of TVO operations and the "Electricity from Uranium" scientific exhibition. Afterwards delegates will have the opportunity to visit the two shallow underground repositories for low- and intermediate-level waste in crystalline bedrock, 70 to 100 m below the surface. The visit will end with a look on the Olkiluoto 3 construction site. 

Olkiluoto exhibition



pick-up at Conference hotel;

10.00 - 11.00

Guided Tour of TVO operations

11.00 - 11.45


11.45 – 13.30

Visit of underground repositoriy and Olkiluoto 3 construction site


Drop-off at hotel



The technical tour is included in the registration fee.

The maximum size of each group is limited and participation is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please fill in the appropriate section of the registration form and the required information for the security check.


organised in collaboration with: