Ultimate waste disposal


Maintenance-free, chronologically unlimited and safe elimination of radioactive waste without intended recuperation. In Germany the storage of radioactive waste in deep geological formations is considered the best solution. The following repositories are under examination or being operated in Germany:

  • Procedures and techniques for ultimate radioactive waste disposal were developed and tested in the disused former salt mine Asse near Wolfenbüttel and low and medium active waste was stored there until 1978.

  • Suitability examinations and licensing procedures for the Konrad pit have been under way since 1975. Here, the ultimate disposal of waste with a negligible thermal effect on the surrounding rock is planned. The reconnaissance work for the Konrad pit has been completed. On 31st Aug. 1982, application for initiation of the procedure for official approval of the plan for ultimate waste disposal was filed. On June 5, 2002, the licence for the emplacement of a waste package volume of 300.000 m3 of radioactive waste with negligible heat generation was issued. Since the application for immediate execution was withdrawn by the applicant (the Federal Office for Radiation Protection) in July 2000, claims against this licence have a prolonging effect. For that reason it will not be possible to convert the present mine into a repository and emplace any waste before a final decision of the court has been issued.

  • The Gorleben salt dome has been investigated for its suitability as a repository for all types of solid radioactive waste, i.e. also heat-generating waste, since 1979. A final suitability statement for the Gorleben salt dome will be possible only after the underground reconnaissance. The evaluation of all reconnaissance results to date confirms its suitability. In the opinion of the Federal Government, there are doubts concerning the suitability of the salt dome. Therefore, the investigation was suspended.

  • The storage of radioactive waste in the ERAM repository near Morsleben in Saxony-Anhalt was terminated in 1999. At present, about 35,000 cubic meters of low and medium active waste is stored in the Morsleben repository. The Federal Office for Radiation Protection is initiating a procedure for official approval of a plan to shut down the repository.









11 - 15 March 2018
Munich, Germany


30 September - 04 October 2018
Prague, Czech Republic