In this issue
The 6th issue of ENS News will, unsurprisingly,
be a reflection of the past three months. The main feature of
this bulletin is the text of the lecture Bertrand Barré,
president of the ENS, made at the International Conference “50
Years of Nuclear Power” organised by the IAEA held at Obninsk
at the end of June/beginning of July 2004. The text is reproduced
here with the kind permission of the IAEA. In a separate contribution,
the ENS president also reflects on two important recent events:
the notable increase of the price of the barrel of oil and the
Mihama accident.
“Listening to others” follows its own pace and is
therefore only loosely related to current affairs. In this issue,
we’ll have a closer look at the tricks people can –
and do actually – use to make unattractive data look better
than they are.
News from the ENS members include this time a general presentation
of SFEN, the French Nuclear Energy Society and a report on the
international conference organised last September in Sofia by
the Bulgarian Nuclear Society. From now on, we hope to be able
to include in each issue of ENS NEWS at least one presentation
of each of the Nuclear Societies member of the ENS.
Space permitting, this issue also features a fairly comprehensive
compilation of NucNet News. Some of the pieces of information
included are more than two months old but the compilation as a
whole provides what we believe to be an interesting reminder of
the more significant events of the past quarter.
We would also like to draw your attention to the fellowships
to be awarded to a few young scientists in the framework of the
World Nuclear University. Before turning to the relevant pages
of this e-Bulletin, please note that the deadline for applying
is 1st December 2004.

Peter Haug
Secretary General

Andrew Teller