Issue No.6 Autumn
(October 2004)


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New Nuclear Power in Bulgaria

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New Nuclear Power in Bulgaria

The Bulgarian Nuclear Society, under the patronage of the Minister of Energy and Energy Resources, organised an International Conference titled “New Nuclear Power in Bulgaria”.

The conference was held from 23 till 25 September 2004 in Sofia, at Grand Hotel Sofia. One hundred forty-one Bulgarian participants took part in the International Conference. They included representatives from the Bulgarian Parliament, the Bulgarian Government, universities, scientific institutes, and organisations from the nuclear energy industry. There were also 30 foreign participants from Russia, the Czech Republic, Germany, France, etc.

About 40 reports were presented at the conference by leading Bulgarian and foreign scientists and experts. Among them, there were reports of organisations from the above-mentioned countries, all of which are candidates for the construction of Belene NPP. New views on the world-wide development of nuclear energy were also presented.

A press conference and a round table on the Preparation and Training of Personnel in the Nuclear Energy Field were held on 24th September. A visit to the Belene NPP site on 25 September concluded the event.

In a press statement, the Bulgarian Nuclear Society summarised its position as follows.

“The interest of the Bulgarian public in the development of nuclear energy is understandable, as it is a well-mastered, cheap, and environment-friendly technology for electricity production. This interest is additionally strengthened by the unacceptable perspective for closure of Units 1-4 of VVER-440 type, as well as by the long-lasting unclear status of the NPP in Belene, whose construction began in 1981.”


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