Frank Carré and Gian Luigi Fiorini
CEA/Nuclear Energy Division
Generation IV Forum Zurich meeting leads to progress
by Frank Carré and Gian Luigi Fiorini, French
Atomic Commission (CEA)/Nuclear Energy Division
The Generation IV Forum (GIF) Policy Group meeting,
held in Zurich on 26-27 January 2004, led to progress on three
main topics: the co-operation agreement at system level, the governance
of the Forum, and relations with other organisations.
In Zurich, the US Department of Energy (DOE)
presented a draft system agreement – jointly prepared by
its State and Trade Departments – covering the first 10
years of co-operation (and providing for extensions in five-year
increments). This project of agreement will establish the R&D
framework required to address Generation IV system feasibility
issues, as well as to confirm system performance, established
during the system selection process. Future phases of demonstrating
and commercialising the six selected nuclear systems will be the
subject of further agreements. The parties to this system agreement
are intended to be governmental entities or mandated national
laboratories. GIF members are to be invited to give their input
on the draft system agreement, which is expected to be finalised
by mid-2004.
As regards the organisation and the governance
of the GIF, the principles proposed at the previous meeting (on
24-26 September 2003 in Toronto) were confirmed, and the main
focus of the discussion was on the role of the OECD/NEA as support
to the Technical Secretariat of the GIF. The following decisions
were made:
W. Magwood of DOE was elected as the GIF
Policy Group’s chairman, for three years. His appointment
officially began on 1 January 2004, and he will be assisted
by two co-chairmen: J. Bouchard of the French Atomic Commission,
CEA and Y. Sagayama of JNC;
the principles of organisation and governance
will be the subject of Policy Statements intended to complement
the charter of the GIF;
a Policy Secretariat assists the chairman
of the Policy Group during its three-year mandate, whereas
a Technical Secretariat provides ongoing support to the technical
activity of the GIF and centralises data integration.
the Policy Group confirmed the organisational
structure (in Figure below).
all GIF members agreed to give the mandate
to the NEA to act as the Technical Secretariat.
Concerning the relationship between the GIF and the INPRO initiative,
which falls under the auspices of the IAEA, a series of meetings
and exchanges have had the objective of defining those factors
which are complementary and to provide project co-ordination:
INPRO is viewed as intending to refine users’
requirements and methodology, in order to assess the suitability
of a nuclear technology to IAEA-affiliated countries and to
facilitate exchanges of public GIF information to non-GIF
member countries; and
GIF will consider the users’ requirements
developed by INPRO, especially with a view to enlarging the
criteria to make the sustainability of nuclear power a reality.
Among the four GIF countries which are not INPRO
participants (the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom and
France), France is the only one which has decided to join this
Furthermore, the GIF will benefit from the advice
of a Senior Industry Advisory Panel constituting high-level representatives
of the industry, in a position to make recommendations on long-term
strategic considerations, including industrial, technical, commercial
and statutory aspects. The GIF will also interact with the heads
of GIF member countries’ safety authorities. A first exchange
of this nature, involving GIF Policy Group members, took place
at the Toronto meeting. At this meeting the importance of the
IAEA safety standards were underscored as establishing reference
criteria and contributing to international harmonisation.
Finally, the following progress has been achieved in preparing
the R&D plans for Generation IV systems:
the Experts Group, which advises the Policy
Group, reviewed the current version of the R&D plans drafted
for the GFR, SCWR, SFR and VHTR systems, and, in December
2003, issued guidelines for the provisional Steering Committees
for these systems to make improvements to these documents
by mid-2004;
the Policy Group decided to set up a provisional
Steering Committee for the Lead Fast Reactor, with the United
States, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland, and Euratom as participants;
establishing a Steering Committee for the
Molten Salt Reactor, which was debated by the Policy Group
in January, is to be re-examined at the next meeting (May
In conclusion, preparations for the GIF’s collaborative
phase are actively progressing, both in terms of harmonising views
on multilateral co-operation agreements, and sharing R&D work
among the GIF member countries. This provides excellent prospects
for the international development of the selected six Generation
IV systems being initiated in 2004.
More information on the status of the Generation
IV initiatives, is on the ENS