PIME 2005: Putting communications excellence centre
17th Topical Meeting on Public Information Media
13-16 February 2005, Maison de la Chimie, Paris, France
PIME is unique: it is the only conference in
the world for communications professionals working for nuclear
power plants, research institutes, nuclear authorities, and companies.
They address a very varied audience including the general public,
local communities, youngsters, green parties, NGOs and state authorities.
The conference in Paris aims at broadening the PIME platform for
exchange between nuclear professionals, offering new horizons
and a wider range of learning opportunities.
PIME participants are invited to join in debates of great
interest on nuclear communications issues:
Using the power of television to promote public awareness
and debate
Lessons learned from other sectors (Exxon Mobile) and other
regions (China and Japan)
Impact of nuclear communications: A view from the media
A fresh look at the dialogue with the Greens, the NGOs and
the European Union
French experiences in nuclear communications including EPR,
waste management solutions and EURODIF
Experiences can be shared in interactive workshops:
Seven workshops with state-of-the-art presentations, including
best practices and new strategic approaches
An IAEA organised workshop on crisis communications
An IAEA organised hands-on training session for selected
PIME participants on best practices
New this year is the competition for
the very first PIME Award for Communications Excellence!
Communicators can present a successful communications campaign
that they have recently run: an advertising campaign, a film,
a CD-ROM, a brochure or an inter-active website. This is a chance
to get the international visibility and credit the campaign deserves.
Please refer to http://www.pime2005.org
for the Preliminary Programme and registration form.
PIME 2005 is organised in cooperation with the IAEA, OECD/NEA,