Issue No.7 Winter
(January 2005)


ENS News

ENS President Wishes for 2005

Obituary: Jiri Suchomel

Listening to others

ENS Events

PIME 2005

RRFM 2005

ETRAP 2005

ENA: a high level summit

Member Societies & Corporate Members

News from Germany

YGN Report

Current activities

Visit of Belgopress

European Institutions

November 2004 Energy Council

Seminar on the High Flux Reactor (Petten)

Joint Seminar on Nuclear Waste


ENS World News

NucNet News

Global 2005

PSA' 05

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff
RRFM 2005RRFM 2005
PIME 2005PIME 2005







The ENS YGN is very active at the moment planning its 10th anniversary that will be celebrated in Zagreb, Croatia in June later this year. There will be a three-day event with a technical program focusing on waste issues as well as technical and social tours. In parallel with these celebration the global umbrella organisation for Young Generations worldwide, IYNC, will have a regional, i.e. European event. Programs and registration information will follow during the spring.

Apart from that the ENS YGN will have a session at PIME in Paris with several interesting presentations on our activities. So if you are at PIME, do not miss out the opportunity to mingle and exchange with the future!

The global umbrella organisation mentioned above is called International Youth Nuclear Congress, thus the acronym, IYNC. It is an organisation with by-laws registered in California, USA. The aim is to provide a network between national Young Generations worldwide and to act as a focal point for these to interact. The IYNC has a homepage that is updated continuously that can be found on where more information about the organisation can be found. The IYNC, as the name implies, provide its members with the opportunity to meet at different congresses. The first such congress was held in Bratislava, Slovakia, in 2000 and the success that it proved to be laid ground for a continuation and survival of IYNC. Two years later the second congress, IYNC2002 was held in Daejon, South Korea attracting hundreds of young and enthusiastic people from all over the world and two years after that the turn went to Toronto, Canada to host IYNC2004. And the story goes on! In June 2006 all young professionals and students with relevant interest are welcome to Sweden and Finland for IYNC2006. ENS YGN plays a vital part in the preparations for IYNC2006 together with people from all other continents and together we shoulder the responsibility to ensure the continuation of this truly dynamic global network.

IYNC 2006 Congress

The IYNC2006 will start with a welcome reception on June 18 in one and a half year. The welcome reception will be held in the city hall of Stockholm where the Noble Banquet annually takes place. After that a technical program with four parallel tracks will occupy delegates for three days before everybody goes on a technical tour to Finland where a visit to Olkiluoto takes place. As you all know, the site where the world’s first EPR is under construction.

One of the basic ideas of IYNC is also to make sure that there is a knowledge transfer. Not only the senior management of companies have noticed that some are retiring pretty soon. The young community worldwide recognise this as well. Our contribution to combat potential problems imposed by this fact is to provide a platform where contacts between generations can be established. Face to face. The upcoming congress in 2006 will act as such a platform. Book your calendar already now and make sure to come to Sweden and Finland between 18 and 23 June 2006! The organising committee of IYNC2006 can, to a certain extent provide meeting rooms in parallel and in conjunction with the congress. These rooms could be used by working groups from different organisations from all over the world to have their respective meetings serving as a dual purpose and cost effective way of planning.

Please do not hesitate to contact the ENS YGN if you have any wonders or comments. In the coming E-bulletins we will further describe the upcoming congresses and yes, why not, if you have something that you wishes to have our view on this could be a good forum for that…

Contact for issues regarding ENS YGN:
Kim Dahlbacka,
Alexander Tsibulyam,

Contact for issues regarding IYNC2006:
Martin Luthander,

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