RRFM 2012

Post-conference Technical Tour during RRFM 2012

RRFM delegates can choose between the two following Technical Tours:

Technical Visit 1: Reactors LVR-15 and LR-0 at the Research Center REZ

All available places for the technical visits have been taken. It is currently not possible anymore to register for the technical visits.

Research reactor LVR-15 is one of two research reactors that are operated by Research Centre Ltd.

LVR-15 is a light-water moderated tank nuclear reactor with light-water or beryllium reflector. Reactor maximum thermal power is 10 MW. The reactor core consists of totally 28 - 32 fuel assemblies IRT-4M type with 19.7% enrichment. The fuel is manufactured by the Russian company NZCHK Novosibirsk. Used fuel is stored in 2 pools on site of the reactor.

Reactor LVR-15 serves as radiation source for:

  • material testing experiments at water loops and irradiation rigs

  • activation analysis with the pneumatic rabbit system

  • experiments at beam tubes in the field of nuclear and applied physics

  • irradiation of silicon mono crystals

  • irradiation for radio-pharmaceuticals production

  • experiments at the thermal column connected with BNCT

Reactor LVR-15

Reactor LVR-15

The LR-0 reactor is a pool-type zero power light water reactor which main use is the determination of the neutron-physical characteristics of WWER and PWR type reactor lattices and shielding.

LR-O reactor
LR-0 reactor

The LR-0 reactor has been designed in a universal manner, suitable for physics experiments on VVER-type active zones with a wide range of cartridge quantities, fuel enrichment, with various concentrations of H3BO3 in the moderator, with various configurations of absorptive elements in cartridges, etc. A very important part of research is the modeling and experimental verification of radiation damage to materials used in internal reactor assemblies and VVER reactor vessels.

For more information: www.cvrez.cz/web/en/research-reactor-lr-0

Departure from the Conference Hotel : 8.30

Return at the Conference Hotel : 16.00

Technical Visit 2: Research Reactor Troja VR1 at the Technical University of Prague

All available places for the technical visits have been taken. It is currently not possible anymore to register for the technical visits.

The Training Reactor VR-1 represents a unique facility in education of new experts in the nuclear field. Its mission is to provide access to a nuclear reactor experimental facility for students from the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague and other students from the Czech Republic and partner foreign institution.

The VR-1 reactor is a light-water moderated pool-type reactor operated at maximum power of 1 kW, which is perfectly suited for the reactor intended use. Its operation does not require forced cooling and fuel remains physically fresh. Both aspects limit operating costs and facilitate operation.

Reactor VR-1
Reactor VR-1

Since the beginning of reactor operation, there is a continuous process of modernizations which ensures adopting the latest development in technical and educational procedures in reactor physics. Currently, over 25 experimental exercises are prepared at the reactor. Integral part of the reactor operation is improvement of general public awareness on nuclear technology.

For more information: www.reaktorvr1.eu

Departure from the Conference Hotel : 8.30

Return at the Conference Hotel : 13.00


The two technical tours are included in the registration fee.

The maximum size of each group is limited and participation is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please fill in the appropriate section of the registration form and the required information for the security check.





RRFM/IGORR 2012 Gold Sponsor:


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