Modified by the Extraordinary General Assembly held in Brussels on 24 November 2005


1.1 General

Active members will be admitted to the society by the General Assembly. Non-active members may be admitted by the Board of Directors.

1.2 Member Organisations

Any organisation of nuclear scientists and engineers in Europe, having a minimum of 50 paid-up members, willing to comply with the aims and constitution of the Society, and intending an at least country-wide activity in the nuclear field, may become a Member Organisation of the Society. Local Sections of Member Organisations of the society shall not be admitted.

1.3 Corporate Members

Corporate Members shall be sought preferably among scientific or technical organisations, cultural foundations, and universities or industrial organisations operating in the nuclear field.

1.4 Honorary Fellows

The Board of Directors may admit as Honorary Fellows individuals who have made a significant contribution to the advancement of the nuclear science and engineering and/or to the European Nuclear Society.

1.5 Associate Members

The Board of Directors may admit Associate Members, having regard to the aims and constitution of the organisation and their compatibility with those of the Society. Associate Members will be offered co-operation with the Society and are eligible to receive publications and attend functions organised by the society.

1.6 International Section

This Section should be managed by the Secretary General on behalf of the Board of Directors.

1.7 Cancellation

Cancellation of Membership may be decided by the General Assembly with a majority of the two-thirds of the votes present and expressed upon a proposal voted by the Board of Directors. Before voting the General Assembly must invite the Member to present his case in writing or orally.


2.1 The General Assembly

The General Assembly shall be conducted by the president according to traditional rules of procedure. Votes shall be secret upon request from one member.

2.2 Representation in the General Assembly

Each Member Organisation shall appoint their representatives to each General Assembly in writing to the President. There shall be no more representatives than votes of the Member Organisation. Each Member Organisation may give proxies to representatives of other Member Organisations. There is no limit to the number of proxies carried by a representative.

Upon request of the society, each Member Organisation shall present for the General Assembly a statement by its internal auditors giving the exact number of paid-up members at the end of the last quarter before the first annual General Assembly of the year.

2.3 The Board

To prepare for and to facilitate the conduct of business in the General
Assembly, the Board shall meet before each meeting of the General Assembly and at any other times deemed necessary by the President.

The term of office for the Board members is two years, equal to the term of office of the President. Re-election of the Board members is possible for a maximum of three consecutive terms, except for the President and the immediate Past President.

The Board’s composition shall reflect the size of the Member Organisations and the geographical balance of the Society.

Names of candidates for the Board must be submitted in writing to the General Assembly by the President at least three weeks prior to the election.

2.4 President and President Elect

In order to ensure the smooth working of the Society the President shall deal with matters of urgency between meetings on the understanding that the president reports any such actions to the General Assembly at the earliest opportunity.

The President shall take office at the beginning of the calendar year following the General Assembly. In the period between the General Assembly and his taking office, he shall bear the title of President Elect. In this function he shall be entitled to attend all General Assembly and Board Meetings if he is not already a member of these constitutional authorities.

2.5 Vice President

The longest serving Vice President shall be considered the Senior Vice President.

The term of office for Vice President shall coincide with that of the Presidency, namely two full calendar years. Subject to re-election a Vice-President may serve up to a maximum of three consecutive terms. In order to ensure continuity in Society matters the six-year service may exceptionally be extended if the three Vice Presidents would have to be replaced at the same time.

2.6 Assistant to the President

Upon a proposal of the President, the General Assembly may vote an Assistant to the President

2.7 Treasurer

The Treasurer shall inform the Board of Directors on the present state of the finances of ENS, and advise on the future trends and the likely results of proposed activities. He shall hold the position of Chairman of Finance Committee (see By-Law 2.9), which is concerned with advancing the financial position of the Society.

2.8 Secretary General

The Board of Directors may direct the work of the Secretary General and the Secretariat by establishing a standing order.

Upon proposal by the Secretary General the Board of Directors may appoint a Deputy Secretary General

Appointment and dismissal of the Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General shall require a two-thirds majority of the Board of Directors present and expressed.

The Secretary General bears the responsibility for the Secretariat. The Secretariat provides the administrative support for the Society and particularly for the work of the General Assembly, the Board and the Standing Committees, as well as dealing with the day-to-day financial affairs of the Society (in agreement with the Treasurer).

2.9 Committees

The Board of Directors, whenever it deems necessary, shall establish Committees under its authority and confer tasks on them.

Standing Committees

The Standing Committees shall deal with the ongoing activities of the Society. The Board of Directors selects the chairperson for each Standing Committee’s ranks. A term of office is for three years. A chairperson may be re-elected twice - meaning that the maximum limit on one person being chair is three three-year terms. The chairperson’s Member Organisation covers the presidential costs of his/her term of office. Each Member Organisation is entitled to have a representative on each Standing Committee.

Ad Hoc Committees

The Board of Directors may appoint ad hoc Committees to deal with specified tasks within set time limits. An ad hoc Committee may function for a maximum of three years. The chairpersons of the ad hoc Committees shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. Only those Member Societies which have experts in the field covered by an ad hoc Committee should delegate members to it.

General liaison

Chairpersons of Committees can be invited by the President to attend the General Assembly and/or Board meetings as observers in order to report on and explain their Committees’ work.

2.10 Summons

The General Assembly shall be summoned by the President in writing / e-mail with at least four weeks’ advance notice.

Committees shall be summoned by their representative Chairmen.

The summoning notice of a meeting of the Committee has to be sent out in writing/e-mail at least 4 weeks prior to the date that is fixed for the meeting. It has to contain the agenda for the meeting. The Committee may only discuss the points mentioned in the agenda. As an exception, a point not mentioned in the agenda may be debated if half of the members that are present or represented give their agreement but no decisions can be made.

The agenda shall state when vacancies have occurred or are due and shall state the candidates offered for election or appointment to those vacancies.

Where appropriate the agenda shall state when terms of office end / vacancies arise for Officers of the Society and shall invite nominations from the Members. Regarding the election of the President: immediately after the end of the first year of office of a President the Secretary General shall notify the Member Organisations of the forthcoming vacancy and invite each one to submit within two months its nomination for the next Presidency. The list of candidates shall be included in the agenda for the General Assembly. Regarding Vice Presidents: one year before their term of office expires the Vice Presidents must notify the Secretariat of whether or not they wish to serve another term. When a Vice President steps down, the vacancy will be announced to the Member Organisations inviting them to submit within two months candidates. This notification will be sent out along with that for the Presidency and the vice-presidential candidates shall also be included in the agenda for the General Assembly. The place and date of the General Assembly meetings shall be fixed by the President. The date and place of the Committee meetings shall be fixed by the Chairman of the Committee.


Modification of these By-Laws may be voted by the General Assembly with a majority of two-thirds of the votes present and expressed.

ENS by-laws (pdf-file)









11 - 15 March 2018
Munich, Germany


30 September - 04 October 2018
Prague, Czech Republic