ENS Education % Training Platform






Education & Training

Training, Research, Isotopes, General Atomics -TRIGA Reactor

TRIGA reactor is designed and supplied by General Atomics (GA) and is the most widely used non-power nuclear reactor in the world. GA has sold 66 TRIGA reactors, which are in use or under construction at universities, government and industrial laboratories, and medical centers in 24 countries. GA's reactors are used in many diverse applications, including production of radioisotopes for medicine and industry, treatment of tumors, nondestructive testing, basic research on the properties of matter, and for education and training. These reactors operate at thermal power levels from less than 0.1 to 16 megawatts, and are pulsed to 22,000 megawatts. The high power pulsing is possible due to the unique properties of GA's uranium-zirconium hydride fuel, which provides unrivaled safety characteristics. The safety features of this fuel also permit flexibility in siting, with minimal environmental effects. TRIGA International, a joint venture company with CERCA of France, manufactures and sells TRIGA fuel to research reactors.

 Source: www.ga-esi.com/triga

50 years of TRIGA reactors