ENS Education % Training Platform






Education & Training

TRIGA Reactor in Pavia, Italy

The Applied Nuclear Energy Laboratory (LENA) of the University of Pavia is an Interdepartmental Services Centre which operates a nuclear research reactor- TRIGA, a cyclotron for the production of radioisotopes and other radiation sources, making them available to Universities and public or private Organizations.

The Centre carries out directly service activities, research, training and education by encouraging technology transfer to the production system including through the training of professionals in nuclear technology.

In particular, thanks to the expertise achieved in the operation and management of the reactor, LENA training offer is aimed at different target: Industries, Universities and Governmental Institutions aiming to provide basic and/or advanced knowledge for education and training of "nuclear technicians”. Training programs, characterised by a significant experimental component, are also structured by functions and levels that can be arranged based on customer needs, providing training modules with different levels of detail.