ENS Education % Training Platform






Education & Training

TRIGA Reactor in Pavia, courses

LENA offers basic training courses for professionals related to the following subjects:

  1. Introduction to Nuclear Plants

    1. Elements of atomic physics and nuclear physics

    2. Basic Physics of Nuclear Reactor

    3. Fundamentals of Kinetic control of nuclear reactors

    4. Characteristic Parameters of operating a nuclear reactor and methods of measurement

    5. Monte Carlo calculation codes for reactor physics applications

    6. Technical, working and operating aspects of nuclear power plants (II-III-IV generation) and nuclear research reactors

    7. Safety and Security objectives and criteria in nuclear installations

    8. Safety and security Systems of nuclear installations

    9. Nuclear Emergency Management and development of emergency plans

    10. Technical and economic evaluations on nuclear energy

  1. Operational Radiation Safety

    1. Introduction to nuclear processes (radioactive decay and nuclear reactions)

    2. Principles of radiation interactions

    3. Biological effects of ionizing radiation

    4. Measurement for radiation protection applications

    5. Technical and dosimetric measurement techniques in the field

    6. Radioprotection standards, guidelines, legislation

    7. Radioactive Waste Management

    8. Radiation Protection Evaluation during Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies 

  1. Analysis and Techniques in radiochemistry and nuclear measurements

    1. Measurement analysis for nuclear (a, β, γ)

    2. Introduction to Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA)

    3. Application of nuclear analytical techniques for samples characterization

    4. Characterization of radioactive waste for final disposal

    5. Monte Carlo computer codes for the characterization of radioactive materials for the decommissioning of nuclear installations

    6. NAA Experience through the operation of LENA reactor

    7. Neutron fields Characterization

    8. Hot laboratory operation and managemen

  1. Quality Assurance for safety in nuclear installations:

    1. Implementation of a Quality Management System (QMS)

    2. Controls of Non-Conformity and Corrective Action

    3. Management of documents and records

    4. Internal Audits

    5. Quality Assurance during the operation of a nuclear research reactor facility

LENA offers education & training courses for students in the field of nuclear reactor physics and kinetics on the following subjects:

  1. Determination of the value of the effective multiplication factor (Keff) in subcritical reactor condition;

  2. Critical mass evaluation by means of the inverse multiplication factor method;

  3. Approximate calibration of reactor control rods;

  4. Fine calibration of reactor control rods by the method of reactor period;

  5. Measurement of fuel Temperature Coefficient (prompt and stationary);

  6.  Measurement of the moderator void coefficient;

  7. Analysis of delayed neutrons kinetics during reactor power transients and shut-down;

  8. Measurement of reactor neutron fluxes;

  9. Analysis of fuel poisons kinetics (eg. 135Xe);

  10. Calculation and measurement of fuel burn-up.

More information: www.unipv-lena.it/