Mark your diary!

Mark your diary for TopSeal, the international meeting place for waste management professionals, organised by the European Nuclear Society in Olkiluoto from 17 to 20 September 2006. Olkiluoto, with both an EPR and an underground rock characterization facility under construction, is a hotspot for the nuclear industry – not to be missed.

Who should attend?

  • Nuclear engineering designers

  • Plant operators

  • Safety assessment experts

  • Rock construction experts

  • Experts in geo-sciences

  • Regulators

Call for Papers

Share your expertise and success with your waste management colleagues by presenting a paper on one of the following topics:

  • Experiences with existing LLW/ILW storage and disposal facilities
    Design, construction, licensing, operation and upgrading

  • Planned activities for geological and near-surface repositories Design, construction and licensing of facilities for all waste types

  • Research, development and demonstration for radwaste storage and disposal
    Repository systems: Technologies and operation/long-term safety demonstration

  • Stakeholder involvement, regulatory aspects and related issues

Please submit your abstract by 15 May 2006.

Call for Papers, abstract form and all further information on

Join us in Olkiluoto in September!


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