International Symposium on Nuclear Energy - SIEN2007

Best Western Park Hotel, Bucharest, Romania
October14 - 19, 2007

“Nuclear Power A New Challenge”

SIEN'07 is an international symposium organized by the Romanian Energy Association - AREN and the Romanian Atomic Forum - ROMATOM.

The objective of the symposium is to debate the role and the challenges of nuclear energy in the context of the new enlarged European Union.

All the experts and representatives of the main organizations and institutions involved in the development of nuclear projects and implementation of National Power Programmes have been invited to participate in the symposium.

SIEN'07 is also open to research officers and students interested in the scientific application of nuclear energy and related issues.

Session Topics:

• Developing new nuclear technologies
• Operation, inspection and maintenance
• Increasing nuclear safety features
• Fuel cycle and waste management
• Public acceptance and confidence strengthening


•QA management within the European integration
• YoungGeneration: “Building the Future”
• WIN and developing EU nuclear programmes
• The diversity of nuclear power in EU

Poster conference sections
All sections as previous

Conference Presidency:
Ioan ROTARU, President of AREN, Romania
Honorary President:
Acad. Marius PECULEA
Technical Programme Committee:
Chair: Iosif Constantin BILEGAN, AREN, Romania


European Nuclear Society
ENS Sponsored



Programme Committee Members:

Teodor Chirica, SN Nuclearelectrica SA, Romania
Ionel Bucur, SN Nuclearelectrica SA, Romania
Marius Condu, SN Nuclearelectrica SA, Romania
Bertrand Viellard Baron, SFEN, France
Robert Munro, AECL, Canada
Giovanni Villabruna, ANSALDO, Italy
Myung Key Lee, KHNP, Coreea
Ioan Stefanescu, ICSI Rm. Valcea, Romania
Ilie Prisecaru, “Politehnica” University, Bucharest, Romania
Mihail Ceclan, “Politehnica” University, Bucharest, Romania
Petre Ghitescu, “Politehnica” University, Bucharest, Romania
Constantin Mingiuc, RAAN-SCN Pitesti, Romania
Ilie Turcu, AREN, Romania
Constantin Gheorghiu, RAAN-SCN Pitesti, Romania
Mihaela Stiopol
, WIN Group Romania
Gheorghe Lucaciu,
ROMATOM, Romania
Nicolae Florescu
, ROMATOM, Romania
Andrei Goicea
, AREN YG, Romania

Organizing Committee Members:

Traian Mauna, AREN, Romania
Luminita Stanciu, SN Nuclearelectrica SA/CNE Cernavoda, Romania
Stefan Pall, ROMATOM, Romania
Petre Stefanescu, “Politehnica” University, Bucharest
Daniel Dupleac, “Politehnica” University, Bucharest
Minodora Apostol, RAAN-SCN Pitesti, Romania
Ana Bailescu, SN Nuclearelectrica SA/ FCN Pitesti, Romania
Felicia Manole, RAAN-SITON, Romania
Iulian Nita, AREN, Romania
Valentina Guta, SN Nuclearelectrica SA, Romania
Lavinia Rizea, SN Nuclearelectrica SA, Romania
Adina Minculescu, SN Nuclearelectrica SA, Romania
Rodica Boboc, WIN Group Romania
Nineta Ghizdeanu, AREN YG Romania
Alexandru Havris, AREN YG, Romania
Corina Bararu, AREN YG, Romania
Ionut Zaharov, AREN YG, Romania

Programme format:
Sunday, October 14 2007: Registration and Welcome Reception
From Monday to Thursday, October 15-18, 2007: Technical Sessions, Posters and Workshops
Wednesday, October 17, 2007: Gala Dinner
Friday, October 19, 2007: Technical Tour


Mihaela Stiopol, e-mail:,
Tel: +40 21 203 82 53,Fax: +40 21 316 94 04
Iosif Constantin Bilegan, e-mail: ,
Tel: +40 21 203 82 79, Fax: +40 21 316 94 04
Andrei Goicea, e-mail:,
Tel: +40 21 203 82 75, Fax: +40 21 316 29 97

For details of abstract or manuscript templates, the registration form and accommodation go to


Mail your abstract before May 1 2007
• May 1 2007: Abstract Submission
• June 1 2007: Notification of acceptance
• August 15 2007: Second announcement
• September 15 2007: Reception of full papers

Registration Fees:


Before 1 September, 2007

After 1 September, 2007

EMS Member & supporting member

350 EUR

400 EUR

Eastern/Central European countries

250 EUR

300 EUR

WIN, YG Member

175 EUR

200 EUR

Other participants

500 EUR

550 EUR

The registration fee covers:

  • For participants: the symposium proceedings, attendance at all sessions, refreshments, lunches, the Welcome Reception and the Farewell Reception.

  • For accompanying persons: attendance at important events and the social programme.

Methods of payment: Bank transfer or cash at registration desk
Bank Accounts: Banca Romana de Dezvoltare - Sucursala Titan:
AREN Account No:
RO75 BRDE 441 SV14227074410 for EUR
RO12 BRDE 441 SV14387414410 for USD
RO88 BRDE 441 SV15195844410 for ROL
No refund will be given after October 1st 2007 but substitute delegates will be welcomed. Undergraduate students may attend the lectures without any charge.

Additional information

  • Oral presentations are limited to 15 minutes. Authors are kindly asked to present their papers in no more than 10 minutes to allow 5 minutes for discussion

  • Overhead projectors will be available. For computer and video projectors please contact the organizers

  • The abstracts of all accepted papers will be printed in Proceedings will be published by AREN before the Symposium.

  • The full papers accepted will be copied on to CD-ROMs that will be distributed to participants at the registration desk.

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