TopSafe 2008

The ENS Conference on Safety of Nuclear Installations
will take place in
Dubrovnik, Croatia from 30.9. – 3.10. 2008.

The conference will provide a forum for addressing the current status and future perspectives with regards to safety at nuclear installations worldwide. It is organized in cooperation with the Croatian Nuclear Society (HND).

The three day programme covers the following thematical tracks:

  • Safety of Safety Issues of Operating Power Plants
    Design Safety Issues, Safety Assessment Analysis, Operational Safety, Licencing

  • Safety Issues of Future Power Plants
    Near term deployment reactors (EPR, SWR1000, AP1000, ESBWR, SBWR, ACR-1000) and Generation IV reactors

  • Safety Issues of Research Reactors (pool type and others)

  • Fuel Cycle Facilities Safety
    Uranium mining and conversion, enrichment and fuel production, reprocessing and transmutation, waste disposal

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For more information:

TopSafe 2008 Conference Secretariat

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