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Atoms for the Future is a key international event organised every year by the French Nuclear Energy Society - Young Generation Network (SFEN JG).
The 2012 edition was dedicated to plant operation and welcomed very high level speakers such as Luc Oursel, AREVA’s President and Chief Executive Officer; André-Claude Lacoste, former Chairman of the French Nuclear Safety Authority, etc. About 250 students and young professionals from the nuclear industry participated in the event.
After the success of the event the SFEN-JG decided to organise the 2013 edition.
It will be held from 21-24 October and will be dedicated to the topic of Nuclear Energy and the Power Grid. It will consist of a 2-day conference in Paris and of 2 days of visits including one to an EDF NPP, another to the RTE dispatching center and a third one to an EDF research center. The presentations will feature, among speakers, Dominique Minière, EDF Senior Vice President and SFEN President; Christophe Béhar, CEA’s Director of the Nuclear Energy Division and Jean-Baptiste Galland, ERDF’s Director of Strategy and Smart Grids.
Registration is now open! (the number of participants is limited):
For more information on this event and the up-to-date programme of presentations: www.sfenjg.org/Atoms-for-the-Future-2013
For any questions go to: atomsforthefuture@sfenjg.org