Issue No. 41 Summer
(August 2013)


ENS News

Word from the Secretary General

ENYGF 2013

ENS Events

NESTet 2013

PIME 2014

RRFM 2014

ENC 2014

Member Societies

SNE News

Welcome address to the
Eastern and Central European Decommissioning (ECED) 2013 conference

International conference: Eastern and Central Europe Decommissioning 2013

News from the Hungarian Nuclear Society

The 10th anniversary of the reactor physics section of the Czech Nuclear Society

Activities of the Romanian Nuclear Energy Association

Young researchers’ day

Ensuring Safety, Security and Safeguards in Nuclear Power: Opportunities and challenges of a coordinated approach

SIEN 2013

YGN Report

Changes at the top at ENS-YGN

International Youth Nuclear Congress 2014

AREN-YG Round Table at Nuclear 2013 conference

Jan Runermark Award 2013

Atoms for the Future

Corporate Members

L-3 MAPPS to Introduce MAAP5 Severe Accident Simulation on Ling Ao Phase II Simulator

ENS World News

Report: Top Down Nuclear Workforce Demand Extrapolation available from EHRO-N website

12th IAEA/FORATOM Workshop to focus on excellence in a changing environment

GENTLE promotes nuclear education, training and research

The ECVET-oriented Nuclear Job Taxonomy: a European cooperative project

WIN-Germany Award 2013

4th IGD-TP Exchange Forum

ENS sponsored conferences

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff

NESTet 2013

NESTet 2013
17 - 21 November 2013 in Madrid, Spain

PIME 2014

PIME 2014
16 - 19 February 2014 in Ljubljana, Slovenia

RRFM 2014

RRFM 2014
30 March - 3 April 2014 in Ljubljana, Slovenia

ENC 2014

ENC 2014
11 - 15 May 2014 in Marseille, France














International conference: Eastern and Central Europe Decommissioning 2013 conference

The Slovak Nuclear Society (SNUS) recently organized an international conference for professionals involved in all stages of the decommissioning of nuclear facilities (planning, decontamination, dismantling, pre-disposal waste management, waste disposal) and their impact on the environment. The conference was held from June 18 to 20, in Trnava, western Slovakia. The title of the conference was Eastern and Central European Decommissioning (ECED). The main objective of the event was to encourage the exchange of experience and best practices in decommissioning of nuclear facilities in Central and Eastern Europe.

Ute Blohm-Hieber at ECED 2013
Ute Blohm-Hieber at ECED 2013

Irene Mele (IAEA) at ECED 2013
Irena Mele (IAEA) at ECED 2013

The main conclusions to emerge from the conference were summarized in the following closing remarks from the President of Slovak Nuclear Society and ECED Program Committee Chairman, Professor Vladimir Slugen:

"Ladies and gentlemen.

After 3 days of presentations and discussions we are approaching the end of our conference. In the afternoon some of you will take part in the technical tours to Jaslovske Bohunice to visit JAVYS technologies for rad-waste treatment. I hope you enjoyed the meeting and your stay in Trnava.

This year 164 participants were registered at the conference desk during all three days. About 1/3 of them came from abroad. In total 38 interesting and high-level quality oral presentations and 15 technical posters were presented.

Panelists1: Mr Zimin (RUS), Mr Chaloyan (ARM), Mr Posiakin (RUS) and Mr Seyda (UKR)
Panelists1: Mr Zimin (RUS), Mr Chaloyan (ARM), Mr Posiakin (RUS) and Mr Seyda (UKR)

The changes in the nuclear decommissioning sector that have taken place recently in Slovakia and Europe were discussed in detail. It was clearly said that  decommissioning issues increase their importance and for many European countries this area is crucial for the social acceptance of nuclear by the public.

ECED2013 also touched upon sensitive problems associated with decommissioning activities, such as:

  • Financing of back-end cycle

  • National decommissioning strategies and programmes

  • Long-term fuel storage

  • International agreement Europe-wide for a common deep repository

  • Specialized education and training issues

  • Research, innovations and the application of new technologies

  • Public acceptance of decommissioning and rad-waste repositories

For Central and Eastern European countries that sometimes share very similar challenges two initiatives promise to be particularly beneficial for the future:

  1. According to common experiences from VVER decommissioning – the creation of a master approach and procedures that could be recommended for VVER countries. NPP V-1 can be perhaps be the proper place for verification of these procedures.

  2. Education, training and proper knowledge management have specific relevance for decommissioning. Based on the training courses that we run at the Slovak University of Technology we would like to create a European Academy for Decommissioning for VVER countries in collaboration with EC and IAEA. Knowledge and decommissioning skills could be shared on an international level. Input from several organisations present here at the conference woud be beneficial. We recommend tthat specific lessons, practical exercises and on-site training be organised at NPP V-1 in Jaslovske Bohunice, in English and in Russian.

Panelists2: Mr Slugen (SVK), Mr Seyda (UKR), Ms Dishkova (BLG), Mr Macasek (SVK)
Panelists2: Mr Slugen (SVK), Mr Seyda (UKR), Ms Dishkova (BLG), Mr Macasek (SVK)

We will try to organize ECED here in Trnava on a biennial basis. I am looking forward to seeing you here in 2015.”

Technical visit in premises of Javys company

Technical visit to premises of Javys company                           

Prof. Vladimir Slugen
President of Slovak Nuclear Society and ECED Programme Committee Chairman

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