in cooperation with:

Hungarian Nuclear Society

Pime 2010

14 - 17 February 2010, Budapest, Hungary

PIME Award for Communications Excellence

The PIME Award highlights how results-oriented communications can provide added value to your business. Share the secret of your success with your fellow communicators and get the peer group recognition that you deserve!

The 2010 PIME Award for Communications Excellence aims to recognise the achievements of professional communicators in the nuclear industry who have successfully connected with their audiences, helped to dispel myths and misinformation about nuclear energy and enhanced the image of our industry.

We are looking for campaigns that show the most creative strategy, illustrative and innovative use of communications tools and can show tangible results. Multi-media packages backed up by sophisticated audiovisuals and glossy brochures can provide impressive results, but so too can a campaign that ran on limited resources. It’s all about grass roots, creative communications that really reach out to their audience.

How the winner is chosen

A jury presided over by Robert Leclère, CEO of Synatom and President of the Belgian Nuclear Forum, will select a shortlist of five campaigns from all those sent in. The selection criteria for selecting the five campaigns are:

  • innovativeness and creativity

  • simplicity of structure

  • clarity of message(s)

  • accessibility of language

  • level of emotion expressed

  • range of tools used

  • measurability of results

  • overall cost/benefits ratio

The five best candidates will present their communication campaign during the conference. The PIME participants will then elect their favourite one. The PIME 2010 Award winner will be announced during the closing session.

Presentations from the Pime Award Candidates:



The Atomexpo JSC campaign spotlights the information centres that Rosatom has set up – and is continuing to expand across Russia. The centres give visitors simple, clear and practical information about nuclear energy and help raise their awareness of its uses and advantages. The campaign’s strategy revolves around an “edutainment” package - combining didactic messages and entertaining audiovisuals - called The World of Nuclear. It combines the latest in cinematographic, 3D and computer-assisted technologies to provide an interactive, high-tech, virtual experience that visitors can understand and relate to.

Open Days, publications, videos, a brochure for children, quizzes and games are part of a range of communications tools and methods used at the centres.

Atomexpo JSC campaign

Nuclear Energy Information Center



EDF is carrying out a complete overhaul of its 19 Visitor Centres in France.

This ambitious campaign, which started in 2008 and should finish in 2011, revolves around a “renewal” of the existing Visitor Centres in order to provide even more effective communications.

The strategy is to incorporate a simple and standardized design, quality interactive educational materials (especially for young visitors) and high-tech technology that ensure a hands-on experience. The aim is to use communications techniques that make the whole visit experience unforgettable. Purity and simplicity of design also help to convey a stronger and more unified corporate image for EDF. A full range of communications tools and techniques are exploited, including simulation exercises, practical experiments, multimedia applications and 3D-DVDs.

EDF Visitor Centres

EDF Centres for Visitors - Renewal Campaign


European Nuclear Society
Young Generation Nuclear

ENS Young Generation Nuclear (ENS YGN) was out in force at both the United Nations COP 14 talks in Poznan and the COP 15 talks in Copenhagen. The goal of the ENS YGN side events was to demonstrate to a target audience of mainly anti-nuclear environmental activists that the often expressed stereotypical views about nuclear energy and climate change are inaccurate. It is difficult to gain visibility and to communicate key messages in an overtly political context and in an extremely competitive environment. Within such constraints the event gained the valuable oxygen of publicity thanks to a series of presentations backed up by leaflets, a carton, posters, press articles and personal commitment and testimony.

ENS Young Generation Nuclear

COP Climate Conference Activities

Finnish Energy Industries

Finnish Energy Industries

The Finish Energy Industries’ campaign blog (there is also a dedicated website, Twitter and other components) targets a very specific group – young people.

A modern, innovative concept backed up by simple, clear messages succeeds in promoting an all-inclusive dialogue. Its softer pro-nuclear approach encouraged true diversity of opinion. Regular postings from experts and people from all backgrounds - even from anti-nuclear groups like Greenpeace – have kept the blog fresh and dynamic. Results were easily measurable and results have been sustained and impressive. This campaign combines the blog with the use of a range of social media communications techniques, such as Twitter and YouTube. Go to for further information.

Ydinreaktioita − Core Reactions



ITER, a multinational partnership for research into harnessing nuclear fusion, was founded in 2007 and is located in Cadarache, southern France. This campaign’s ambitious aim is to create global awareness of and curiosity and enthusiasm for the potential of fusion and to create a global “ITER community” among employees, the local community and beyond.
The communications approach is on three levels:

  • Internally: for employees working on the project to keep them up to date with developments and optimise their working environment

  • Local community: neighbourhood communications and information sessions to provide easy-to-understand information and to emphasise IER4s contribution to the local and regional economy

  • Worldwide: a comprehensive ITER website and a web-based newsletter for the global fusion community that speak clearly about what is a complex subject

An array of tools is used, including worldwide print and electronic media components, social media networking via Facebook and YouTube, posters, a “Do-it-yourself fusion kit,” etc. And the campaign shows the value of adapting tools and messages to the specific needs of different target groups.

ITER website and a web-based newsletter


   PIME 2010 is organised in collaboration with

OECD Nuclear Energy Agency


  Graphics and Design: Marion Brünglinghaus, ENS