PIME 2011

Pime 2011

13 - 16 February 2011, Brussels, Belgium

Preliminary Programme

Tuesday 15 February 2011



Plenary Session: How to address to major public concerns?

Chairman: Christian Taillebois, Director of External Relations, FORATOM

Non-proliferation: Separating fact from fiction
Henk Cor van der Kwast, Head Non-Proliferation, Disarmament, Arms control and Export Control Policy Division, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Waste management: Selling the sollutions
Saida Laârouchi Engström, Head of Environmental Impact Assessment and Public Information, SKB

Safety: building public confidence
Ignacio Araluce, Director of WANO Paris Centre


Coffee break



  1. Communicating with young people

    Moderator : Mehdi Moussaid, Chairman of the Belgian Nuclear Society Young Generation,  Safety Analysis Engineer, Westinghouse Electric Company

    Thierry de Smedt, Professor, University of Leuven, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Politics and Communications

    Yves van Landeghem, Strategy Director, Saatchi & Saatchi Brussels

    Jozsef Konczer, Hungarian Nuclear Society

    Junko Ogawa, Associate Professor and Nuclear Advisor, Head of Support Office for Female Researchers Tokyo City University

Statistically-speaking, young people are often among the most anti-nuclear. And yet, as the decision-makers of tomorrow they are a crucial target audience. We need to reach out to young people, speak their language and meet their needs and aspirations.

  1. Establishing a dialogue with the local community

    Moderator : Ewoud Verhoef
    , Deputy Director, COVRA

    Anne Bergmans, Sociologist, University of Antwerp

    Meritxell Martell, Consultant, Merience

    Anna-Lena Söderblom, Vice-Mayor of the municipality of Östhammar and Chairman of the consultative committee

    Ross Edwards, Communications Executive, EDF Energy

Developing a positive dialogue with the local community is crucial to building confidence with stakeholders. Experts and representatives of civil society discuss how information sharing and dialogue empower individuals to make up their own minds.

  1. Media training for communicators and spokepersonds

    Moderator : Lola Beauvillain de Montreuil
    , Communications Manager, EDF

    Rémy Le Champion, Media trainer, ESJ Entreprises

    Xavier Rivoire, Media trainer, ESJ Entreprises

Some communicators are spokespersons for their company or association. Others play a support role, advising and helping the spokesperson to do his job. In both cases they need to have media training – whether to appreciate what is required, or to learn or upgrade the skills needed to speak to the media. This session provides delegates with some basic training.

  1. WiN Workshop: Tools of the Trade, how to establish your social media footprint

    Moderator: Susan Brissette, President of WIN Canada

WIN Europe




Workshops (continued)


Coffee break


Plenary Session: Communicating new build

Chairwoman: Marie Dufková, Deputy Head of External Relations, CEZ Power Company

From Olkiluoto 3 to Olkiluoto 4: communicating a new build culture

Anneli Nikula, Corporate Adviser, TVO

Atucha II: Flying the flag for new build in South America

Javier Farias, Communication Manager, Nucleoeléctrica Argentina SA

With new build underway or soon to be launched in a number of countries across the world, the stakes for high-impact, results-oriented communications are high. The climate for communicating about nuclear is generally favourable at the moment, so we must maximise our communications pay-off. This session draws upon current experiences and focuses on key messages, tools and target audiences.


Closing Session

Feedback on workshops

Chair: Santiago San Antonio, ENS Secretary General

Presentation of 2011 PIME Award for Communications

Feedback from all the workshops will be followed by the announcement of the winner of the 2011 PIME Award for Communications Excellence and of the location for PIME 2012.




organised in collaboration with:

OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

PIME 2011 Dinner Sponsor:

Belgian Nuclear Forum
Belgian Nuclear Forum

The following companies support the Young Generation at PIME 2011:
