PIME 2016

14 - 17 February 2016 in Bucharest, Romania



PIME Award for Communications Excellence

Winner of the Pime 2016 Award:

Initiative Nuclear for Climate


Winner of the Pime 2016 Award: Initiative Nuclear for Climate

Initiated by the French Nuclear Energy Society (SFEN), Nuclear for Climate (N4C) is a global grassroots initiative involving nuclear associations, scientific societies and industry forums. All in all it brings together nearly 150 organizations worldwide representing more than 100 000 nuclear scientists, technicians, engineers and professionals.

In the perspective of the Paris climate summit (COP21) that took place in December 2015, the initiative helped to coordinate the organisations’ national and international actions in order to get across a common message:

"Nuclear energy is part of the solution for fighting climate change".

Through its members, Nuclear for Climate acts as the spokesperson of nuclear scientists and workers. Thanks to the membership of scientific societies, Nuclear for Climate brings a credible fact-based contribution to the fight against climate change. It also gives the nuclear sector a more human, friendly, and forward-looking face with among other things the participation of young professionals, which contrasts with the traditional image of a "nuclear lobby".

The initiative was officially launched September 16, 2014 on the sidelines of the IAEA General Conference in Vienna (Austria), with 12 partners: SFEN (France), FORATOM & ENS, Belgian Nuclear Forum (Belgium), WNA, NEI & ANS (US), JAIF (Japan), KNS (Korea), AERB (Brazil), CNS (China), NIA (UK), CNA (Canada) and IYNC, the global network of young generations of nuclear power, with more than 40 local networks.

Today Nuclear for Climate brings together 147 organizations from 57 countries, including 9 international associations (ENS, FORATOM, LAS-ANS (Latin America), WiN Europe, WFEO, WNA, INSC, IYNC, WiN Global).

Presentations from the short-listed candidates for the 2016 PIME Award for Communications Excellence:

International Nuclear Services in cooperation with AREVA

Nuclear for Climate



Pime Award
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RRFM 2017

