TopFuel 2012

Post-conference Technical Tour during TopFuel 2012

TopFuel delegates can choose between the two following Technical Tours:

The Westinghouse Springfields site

All available places for the technical visits to the Westinghouse Springfields site have been taken. It is currently not possible anymore to register for this technical visit.

The Westinghouse Springfields site has made almost all of the fuel for the UK’s nuclear power programme over more than 50 years. Magnox, Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor (AGR) and LWR fuel assemblies have all been made at the site, which also carries out hex conversion, and produces power and granules for export.

Westinghouse Springfields site

Visitors will be given a tour of the Oxide Fuel Complex, where enriched UF6 is converted to finished fuel within one building. An overview presentation of the site, the products and services it provides to customers, and how Springfields fits into Westinghouse’s global business will also be provided.

For more information click here

Schedule of the visit:




depart from the hotel


Visitors to arrive at Springfields and report to the Visitors Reception at the Main Gate.


Refreshments / Welcome & Safety Presentation


Presentation on Springfields operations and its role in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle


Buffet Lunch


Site bus tour


Tour of Oxide Fuels Complex *


Refreshments and Review


Visitors depart Springfields


arrive at the hotel (at the latest)

The Oxide Fuels Complex (OFC) is one of the most advanced nuclear fuel manufacturing plants in the world.  Within one plant, state-of-the-art-manufacturing techniques produce both Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor (AGR) and Light Water Reactor (LWR) fuels.

The Dalton Nuclear Institute of the University of Manchester

Dalton Nuclear Institute

The Dalton Nuclear Institute

The University of Manchester established the Dalton Nuclear Institute in 2005 to provide a new strategic focus to address the urgent skills and research needs associated with low carbon and secure nuclear energy. In 2011, the Institute’s position in nuclear research and higher learning was recognised by the award of a Diamond Jubilee Queen’s Anniversary Prize for its ‘internationally renowned research and skills training for the nuclear industry’.

  Dalton Nuclear Institute - internal shot

Visitors will be given a tour of:

Materials Science Centre – covering the X-Ray Imaging Suite and Electron Optics facilities, which include a Titan Chemistem TEM.  Discussion will include work with TRISO Particle Manufacturing & Characterisation.

Nuclear Manufacturing Technology Lab – includes facilities for Environmental Testing (Autoclave suite and Mechanical Testing Rigs), Welding, and a Laser cutting, joining and deposition centre which incorporates a 16kW IPG Fibre Laser, one of the most powerful in Europe.

Additionally visitors will enjoy a presentation introducing the university’s brand new, state-of-the-art irradiation complex, the Dalton Cumbrian Facility incorporating an ion-beam accelerator and cobalt-60 irradiator.

The tour will be finished at 14:00 at the latest.


The two technical tours are included in the registration fee.

The maximum size of each group is limited and participation is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please fill in the appropriate section of the registration form and the required information for the security check.

TopFuel 2012 Gold Sponsor


Organised in cooperation with:

American Nuclear Society




Chinese Nuclear Society