TopFuel 2015

Call for Papers

TopFuel 2015 will take place from 13 – 17 September 2015 in Zurich, Switzerland

TopFuel’s primary objective is to bring together leading specialists in the field from around the world to analyse advances in nuclear fuel management technology and to use the findings of the latest cutting-edge research to help manufacture the high performance nuclear fuels of today and tomorrow.

The TopFuel 2015 Programme Committee is calling for both oral and poster presentations in the following tracks:

Operation and experience
Fuel operating experience and performance (reliability, fuel assembly degradation and failures, handling incidents, water side corrosion and hydriding, stress corrosion cracking, PIEs, pool side examinations, radiation effects, etc.); high BU fuels; water chemistry and corrosion/crud/doses  counter-measures; fuel assembly distortion; mixed cores operation; reload variability; operation flexibility (power modulation or load followup); fuel assembly repair, fuel qualification and licensing.

Transient Fuel Behaviour
Transient fuel behavior and criteria (RIA, LOCA, ATWS, PCI/SCC, PCMI …); fuel safety related issues; fuel fragmentation, relocation and dispersal; long term coolability; re-criticality; transient fission gas release; cladding burst/ballooning mechanisms; fuel behaviour under extended loss of cooling; small and large scale fuel testing facilities .

Advances in designs, materials and manufacturing
Fuel Assembly design; fuel design, processing and manufacturing (MOX, additive fuel, innovative fuel concepts, etc... ); cladding and structural alloys development; mechanical and corrosion resistant behaviour; irradiation experience in MTR; fuel design optimisation for disposal.

Enhanced accident tolerance (ATF)
International development roadmaps and status; advanced  fuel designs, fuel rod, fuel cladding and component materials behaviours; ; metrics definition; qualification and licensing issues; deployment scenarios (from manufacturing  and in reactor normal operation to beyond DBAs and back- end).

Modelling, analysis and methods
Development, verification, validation and uncertainty quantification (VVUQ) of fuel modelling codes; multiscale modelling (including ab initio); multi-physics coupling; water chemistry modelling; experimental data and applicability; transposition to in-reactor and back-end conditions; statistical uncertainty analysis; design and analytical methods.

Used fuel storage, transportation and re-use/material recovery
Closed fuel cycles (re-use); re-use after transportation/storage; interim storage, dry storage, wet storage, long term storage strategies; handling and transportation of damaged, high BU and non-standard fuels; R&D activities; ageing issues; criteria and regulation; fuel database management.

Click here to download the TopFuel 2015 Call for Papers

We welcome both oral and poster submissions. If you wish to share your knowledge and insights on Reactor Fuel Performance, please submit your abstract by 12 December 2014  through the TopFuel 2015 Abstract Submission System.

Abstract review

The abstracts received will be peer reviewed under the auspices of the TopFuel 2015 Programme Committee. Authors will be notified of paper acceptance by 1 February 2015.

Important dates

Deadline for abstract submission: 12 December 2014

Notification of authors: 1 February 2015

Deadline for draft paper submission: 10 April 2015

Revision of papers concluded and author notification: 15 June 2015

Deadline Final Paper: 1 August 2015

Deadline for submission of PowerPoint presentations: 30 August 2015

Conference: 13 - 17 September 2015

Instructions for authors

Your draft paper must be uploaded by 10 April 2015 and final paper must be uploaded by 1 August 2015 at the very latest.

Your Powerpoint presentation must be in our possession by 30 August 2015 at the very latest.

Download instructions for authors

Download template for CV

Publication Policy

The proceedings of TopFuel 2015 will be published on the TopFuel 2015 conference website, linked to the ENS website, with the reference number ISBN 978-92-95064-23-2.

Please don’t hesitate to contact the ENS / TopFuel 2015 Secretariat should you have any question:

Tel: + 32 2 505 30 54
Fax: +32 2 502 39 02


TopFuel 2015 Gold Sponsor

TopFuel 2015 Silver Sponsor



Organised in cooperation with:



American Nuclear Society


Chinese Nuclear Society
Korean Nuclear Society