TopFuel 2015

Post-conference Technical Tours

Switzerland is known for highest burn-ups and high-quality NPP operation as well as cutting edge fuel investigations – from hotlab to synchrotron investigations. TopFuel delegates will have the opportunity to visit some of the most interesting Swiss nuclear sites.

The preliminary programme foresees the following Technical Tours:

Paul Scherrer Institute

View on PSI

The Paul Scherrer Institute, PSI, is the largest research center for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland. World-class research is performed in three main subject areas: Matter and Material; Energy and the Environment; and Human Health. By conducting fundamental and applied research, PSI works on long-term solutions for major challenges facing society, industry and science. The Paul Scherrer Institute has a long tradition in energy research. With respect to nuclear energy, PSI has a unique position in Switzerland. This is due to its heavy infrastructure, namely the Hot Laboratory with well-equipped and shielded zones for work and research on radioactive material. Based on this infrastructure, combined with PSI’s large facilities, i.e. the synchrotron facility SLS and the neutron source SINQ and the know-how of its collaborators, the Department is involved in three main topics of research: safety of currently operating light-water reactors, safety characteristics of future reactor concepts and related fuel cycles, and long-term safety of deep geological repositories for nuclear wastes of all kind.

Paaul Scherer Institute

The TopFuel 2015 visit at PSI comprises a guided tour through the Hot Laboratory and the synchrotron source. The tour will take place in the morning of Thursday, 17 September 2015. It is possible to take lunch at the PSI personnel restaurant. Return to Zürich will be in the early afternoon.


Departure from Swissotel:  8.00 h
Start of the visit:  9 h.
Visit ends at lunchtime, lunch is possible in the PSI personnel restaurant at own costs.
Departure for Zurich 14 h, arrival at Swissotel at approx. 15 h

Nuclear Power Plant of Gösgen KKG

All available places for the Technical Visit to the Nulear Power Plant Gösgen have been taken. It is currently not possible anymore to register for Technical Visits to the NPP Gösgen.

The nuclear power plant of Gösgen, KKG, is one of 4 nuclear power plants in Switzerland. It is located on the river Aare, approximately 60 km West of Zürich. The pressurized water reactor was delivered by the German Kraftwerk Union AG, today Areva NP. The first self-sustained chain reaction was initiated on 19 January 1979. On 6 February 1979, the first Swiss nuclear power plant in the 1000 MW category fed electricity into the grid for the very first time. In the following years several power increases could be achieved. As special feature the KKG has an external spent fuel storage building and pool.

NPP Gösgen

Due to technical reasons the TopFuel 2015 visit at KKG is limited to 30 participants. The tour foresees a visit of the controlled area. The tour will take place in the morning of Thursday, 17 September 2015. It is possible to take lunch at the KKG personnel restaurant. Return to Zürich will be in the afternoon.

NPP Gösgen by night

Departure from Swissotel: 7.30h
Start of the visit: 9 h;
end of visit: 13 h; lunch is possible in the KKG personnel restaurant on own costs.
Departure for Zurich: 14 h, arrival at Swissotel Zurich at 15.30 h


Mont Terri Rock Laboratory

The Mont Terri rock laboratory is located approximately 150 km West of Zürich in the Jurassic mountains, in the security gallery of the Mont Terri motorway tunnel. The lab offers ideal conditions for conducting a variety of tests for nuclear waste repository research. The experiments are focused in three main areas: development of methodologies, characterization of the Opalinus clay and demonstration experiments. Since 1996 the Mont Terri research partners have carried out more than 100 small- and large-scale experiments. The results of the experiments carried out make a key contribution to the safety and technical feasibility of deep geological disposal in Opalinus Clay. The rock laboratory is solely for research purposes - no deep geological disposal will be permitted at the site. Key features of the Mont Terri Project: 15 project partners; swisstopo runs the rock laboratory and is responsible for its safe operation. The rock laboratory is 300 m underground. Access is via the security gallery of the A16 Mont Terri motorway tunnel. The rock laboratory comprises 600 m of galleries and niches in which engineers, researchers and technicians drill boreholes and carry out experiments.

Mont Terri motorway tunnel

Due to technical reasons the TopFuel 2015 visit at Mont Terri Rock Laboratory is limited to 40 participants. The TopFuel 2015 visit at the Mont Terri Rock Lab comprises an introduction and guided tour. The visit will take place in the morning of Thursday, 17 September 2015. It is possible to take lunch at the site. Return to Zürich will be in the late afternoon.

Mont Terri Rock Laboratory

Please consider that the temperature inside Mont Terri is about 13 degrees Celsius. Please make sure you dress accordingly. Please also consider that you will have to walk/stand for about 1 hour 30 minutes without the possibility to sit down and rest. We also would like to warn you that the area might be dirty due to ongoing works.

Departure from Swissotel: 7.30 h
Start of the visit: 9.30;
end of visit 12.00h. Lunch is possible on the site for 20CHF.
Departure for Zurich: 14 h, arrival at Swissotel at approx. 16 h


The technical tour is included in the registration fee.

In accordance with the specifications of each organisation visited we can only accept a limited number of participants for each tour. Available places will be allocated on a first-come-first saved basis.

TopFuel 2015 Gold Sponsor

TopFuel 2015 Silver Sponsor



Organised in cooperation with:



American Nuclear Society


Chinese Nuclear Society
Korean Nuclear Society