Call for Papers


The TopSafe Programme Committee is calling for both oral and poster presentations in the following areas:

  • Safety Issues of Operating Power Plants

  • Application of European Utilities Requirements

  • Probabilistic and Deterministic Analysis

  • Shutdown Safety

  • Advances in Safety: Analysis Codes and Techniques

  • Severe Accidents Management,

  • International Safety Studies

  • Emergency Planning

  • Risk Informed Application and Licensing

  • Regulatory Safety Requirements

  • Ageing and Life Extension

  • Power Upgrades and Relevant Topics

  • Management of Safety and Quality

  • Safety Culture and Self Assessment

  • Political and Public Perception of Nuclear Energy

  • Nuclear Power Plant Security

  • Safety Issues of Future Power Plants
    Near term deployment reactors (EPR, SWR1000, AP1000, ESBWR, SBWR, ACR-1000) and Generation IV reactors

  • Safety Issues of Research Reactors (pool type and others)

  • Fuel Cycle Facilities Safety
    Uranium mining and conversion, enrichment and fuel production

Click here to download the Call for Papers for TopSafe 2008

We welcome both oral and poster submissions. If you wish to share knowledge and best practice on current status and future perspectives with regards to safety at nuclear installations worldwide, please submit your abstract by 29 February 2008 to the conference secretariat at

Click here to download the abstract template

Abstract review

The abstracts received will be reviewed under the auspices of the TopSafe 2008 Programme Committee.

Following numerous requests to do so, we have decided to extend the deadline for abstract submissions. New and final deadline is now:
14 March 2008


  • Notification of abstract’s acceptance: 18 April 2008

  • Full paper submission: 31 May 2008

  • Notification of paper’s acceptance: 30 June 2008

  • Final paper submission: 31 August 2008

Publication policy

Conference proceedings with reference number ISBN 978-92-95064-06-5 will be published on this website.

Selected papers will be proposed for publication in International Journals.

Instructions for authors

Download instructions for authors



Croatian Nuclear Society
organised in cooperation with the IAEA