Persons exposed to radiation in their work


According to the provisions of the Radiological Protection Ordinance of 2001 and the X-ray Ordinance of 2002 these are persons who may receive an effective dose (see 'dose, effective') of more than 1 mSv per year. The group of persons exposed to radiation in their work is classified into category A persons, who may receive more than 6 mSv per year, and category B persons, who may receive between one and six Millisievert per year. The frequency of examinations within the scope of medical monitoring depends on the respective classification.

The number of persons exposed to radiation in their work who were monitored in 2010 using official person dosimeters in Germany amounted to a total of 340,000, 78 % of these persons working in the medical sector.. The average annual personal dose of all persons monitored amounted to 0.12  mSv. When evaluating this average value it must be noted that the value measured was below the lower measuring limit of the personal dosimeter of 0.05 mSv for the majority of all persons monitored (84 %) during the whole year. In these cases the measuring points for the personal dose determined the value zero. Averaging the annual personal dose values which differ from zero for the persons monitored results in a mean annual personal dose of 0.67 mSv (by comparison: the natural radiation exposure in Germany amounts to an annual average of 2.1 mSv). The sum total of the annual dose values of all persons monitored (collective dose) amounted to 40 man-sievert in 2010. All of these dose values relate to photon radiation, since this determines the dose in almost all control areas. Dose contributions by neutron and beta emitters are only significant in a few cases.

According to the German Radiation Protection Ordinance the radiation exposure of airline personnel due to the higher cosmic radiation exposure flying in high altitudes has to be calculated and registered. The total dose for these 36,800 persons amounted in 2010 to 83 Sv, the calculated average dose is 2.25 mSv.









11 - 15 March 2018
Munich, Germany


30 September - 04 October 2018
Prague, Czech Republic