RRFM 2010

Organised in cooperation with IAEA




RRFM 2010

21 -25 March 2010, Marrakech, Morocco

Technical Tour

Participants in the technical tour will visit  the facilities of Maamora Nuclear Center in Rabat (Research reactor TMkII, Radioisotope and Radiopharmceutical Production Facility, Waste Treatment Facility...)

TRIGA Mark II reactor at the Maamora Nuclear Research Centre

The 2 MW TRIGA Mark-II reactor operates since February 2009 at the Maamora Nuclear Research Centre. This Centre is located 25 km north of Rabat. The main application fields are geological mapping, mines characterisation, biological analyses, dating archaeological samples, neutroradiography, research and development (Neutron analyses activation, Materials, Polymers and Nanosciences), training and nuclear technology survey

For more information on the National Centre for Nuclear Energy, sciences and Technology ‘CNESTEN’ see www.cnesten.org.ma

Triga Mark II

Others facilities

The Radiopharmaceuticals production Laboratory dedicated to the production of Iodine 131 and Technetium 99m, RIA kits, the development of new kits, quality control systems. The main Applications fields are: Nuclear medicine, cancer, endocrinology, virology and Nutrition

Radiopharmaceuticals production Laboratory

Radioactive waste management facility dedicated for conditioning and storage laboratories liquid effluents and solid wastes generated by the CNESTEN activities and at the national level (industry, health and agriculture sectors)

Radioactive waste management

  • Nuclear Safety and Security (emergency systems, radioprotection, dosimetery Laboratory)

  • Others nuclear applications in industry, environment, water, biology.

The Technical Visit will take place on Thursday 25 March 2010

Technical Tour Programme




Departure from the Hotel at Marrakech


Arrival to the Nuclear Research Centre CNEM (25 km in the North of Rabat)


Presentation of the CNESTEN and its activities


Visit ‘TRIGA Mark II Research Reactor


Visit ‘Life Sciences Nuclear Applications Laboratories


Visit ‘Life Environmental and Earth Sciences Nuclear Applications Laboratories


Visit ‘Radioactive Waste Management Station




Departure from CNEM

Participants who would like to travel to other cities than Marrakech can directly departure to the train station in Rabat. Information on train connections is available at: 


Graphics and Design: Marion Brünglinghaus, ENS