RRFM 2010

Organised in cooperation with IAEA




RRFM 2010

21 -25 March 2010, Marrakech, Morocco

RRFM 2010 Transactions

RRFFM 2009 Transactions refer to ISBN ISBN 978-92-95064-10-2.

RRFM 2010 Transactions
[35 MB]

Download separate Sessions:

Session 1:
International Programmes
[2 MB]

Session 2:
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
[15 MB]

Session 3:
Utilisation of Research Reactors
[5.5 MB)

Session 4:
Innovative Methods in Research Reactor Aalysis and Design
[5.7 MB]

Session 5:
Research Reactor Operation and Maintenance and Ageing
[3.6 MB]

Session 6:
New Research Reactor Projects
[3.9 MB]

Poster Session :
Poster Session
[8.7 MB]

TRIGA Session:
TRIGA Meeting
[4 MB]


Graphics and Design: Marion Brünglinghaus, ENS