RRFM 2017

14 - 18 May 2017 in Rotterdam, Netherlands


Technical Tours

RRFM 2017 delegates will have the possibility to participate in two technical tours:

Technical Tour I

Technical Tour I will have two components: the HOR nuclear reactor and the "Holland Particle Therapy Centre", HollandPTC, which is situated next to the Reactor Institute Delft.


The Reactor Institute Delft (RID) operates a unique research facility: the HOR nuclear reactor. This is a small pool-type research reactor (2 MW). The core is composed of 20 fuel assemblies and 4 control assemblies. It is equipped at three sides with a row of Be-reflector assemblies acting as neutron reflectors. The reactor provides neutron radiation to a variety of facilities for radioisotope production and neutron activation analysis. It is also equipped with six horizontal beam-tubes in two sets of three at opposite sides of the core mainly used for neutron scattering experiments. The two larger beam tubes are equipped with stacked-mirror neutron guides (neutron guide system) to obtain clean beams of thermal neutrons with low contamination by fast neutrons and gamma rays. One neutron guide system provides two beams for experiments in the reactor hall. The other neutron guide system provides 4 neutron beams to the experiment hall, adjacent to the reactor hall. Measuring 25 x 40 m, this hall provides ample space with low radiation background for beam experiments. Finally, one of the beam-tubes is used by the source of variable-energy positrons (POSH), the positrons being generated by the hard gamma rays hitting the POSH target. These positrons are led into the experiment hall as well.

The tour will focus on the HOR and the research facilities in the experiment hall.




With the "Holland Particle Therapy Centre", a consortium of Erasmus Medical Centre, Leiden University Medical Centre and TU Delft will introduce proton therapy in the Netherlands. Dutch patients now have to travel abroad in order to receive proton therapy treatment. About 600 cancer patients will be treated annually at HollandPTC. The aim of the HollandPTC consortium is to start patient treatments in 2017 in Delft.


The tour will focus on the gantry (patient) side of the installation.

8:30 bus departure from the hotel
13:00 back at the hotel

Technical Tour II: COVRA

The Central Organisation for Radioactive Waste (Centrale Organisatie Voor Radioactief Afval, or COVRA) the Dutch waste management organisation responsible for the collection, treatment and long-term storage of radioactive waste in the Netherlands as well as for the preparation and eventual implementation of disposal.


RRFM delegates will visit the COVRA treatment and storage facility in the province of Zeeland. The building  for high level waste storage, the so-called HABOG facility, and the newly constructed storage building for depleted uranium are not only  technical buildings engineered for safe storage, but also a communication instrument and a work of art.

8:00 bus departure from the hotel
10:00 - 13:00 tour
13:00 - 13:30 simple lunch
15:30 back at the hotel


The two Technical Tours are included in the registration fee.

The maximum size of each group is limited and participation is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please fill in the appropriate section of the registration form and the required information for the security check.