Issue No.11 Winter
(January 2006)


ENS News

Frank Deconick: A profile of the new man at the ENS helm

Tapping unusual quarters

ENS Events

Etrap 2005

PIME 2006

RRFM 2006

ENA 2006

Member Societies & Corporate Members

Modernizing Romanian Nuclear Education and Traning Systems

In Memoriam: Professor Carlo Salvetti (1919 – 2005)

European nuclear community mourns loss of Armen Abagyan

European Institutions

Changes in DG TREN + DG RTD

Austrian Presidency reveals its energy policy

ENS World News

COP 11 & COP/MOP 1

Country profile: Bulgaria

NucNet News

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff

RRFM 2006RRFM 2006

RRFM 2006
30 April - 3 May 2006 in Sofia, Bulgaria




















































In this issue

According to that most venerable of institutions, the Oxford English Dictionary, the definition of the word January is: “The first month of the year. Derived from the Latin ‘Januaris mensis,’ meaning ‘month of Janus.’’’ As we all know, Janus was the Roman god of gates and doors, of beginnings and endings. He was depicted on coins and in art as having one head but two faces, one facing backwards to survey the past and the other looking forwards into the future. For many people, January is a time to pause and take stock; to reflect upon what has been and upon what the future might hold; to look forwards with optimism while surveying the past with newly-acquired wisdom.

For ENS, too, this is a January time. I am delighted to welcome a new ENS President on board, Frank Deconinck of SCK-CEN. Frank, former Vice President of ENS, was elected in December 2005 to succeed Bertrand Barré, who continues as Honorary Vice President. Under Bertrand’s excellent stewardship ENS carried on the good work of his predecessor, Andrej Stritar, during the transitional period during which the Society moved from Berne to Brussels. Together with the support of the three new Vice Presidents (Bertrand Barré, David Bonser and Peter Leister) and new ENS Board members, Frank will build upon the solid foundations laid by Bertrand and help ENS to grow from strength to strength. I am sure that all readers will join me in wishing Frank the very best of luck in his new position.

As ENS NEWS emerges blurry-eyed from the New Year’s festivities, Issue N°11 is in a reflective mood too. As the nuclear renaissance continues to gather pace across the world and more and more doubters are won over by climate change and security of supply considerations, optimism about the future of our industry is greater this month of Janus than it has been for some time. And yet, while looking forward optimistically to 2006, ENS NEWS also looks back on some of the highlights of last year and pays its respects, with sadness, to much-valued friends and colleagues who passed away in 2005. They won’t take part in a bright new nuclear tomorrow, but their contributions helped make that tomorrow possible. As one era ends, another begins. More than anything, January is a time for renewal.

Another symptom of “januaryitis” is man’s fondness for celebrating anniversaries. It’s another example of his desire to never quite let go of the past. Well, I’m sure that it won’t have escaped your attention that 2006 will mark the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident. While in no way wanting to minimize the seriousness of the tragedy, I would simply like to point out that, as the subsequent IAE/WHO report on the health consequences of the accident recently confirmed, the loss of life and the extent of the healthcare problems associated with Chernobyl have proved to be less dramatic than originally predicted. Terrible as the accident was – every life lost is a tragedy - it proved to be an important watershed for our industry. Since 1986, when the Chernobyl accident occurred, our industry has worked tireless to ensure that nuclear power plants across Europe and beyond now conform to the very strictest possible safety standards. Our safety record is now second to none. The lessons of the past have been learned and the future seems bright.

Issue N°11 of ENS NEWS kicks off with an introduction to the new President of ENS, Frank Deconinck. It also introduces the new ENS Board. The focus then switches to European research policy, as we report on a recent FORATOM Workshop during which the recently-appointed Director General of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), Roland Schenkel, gave an overview of current and future EU energy research policy.

Andrew Teller, in his regular column "Tapping Unusual Quarters," uses basic mathematical analysis to expose the weaknesses in the arguments of non-nuclear NGOs.

The ENS Events section turns the spotlight onto the ETRAP conference that took place in November 2005, the latest information on PIME 2006, which will take place in Vienna, from 12 -16 February, and ENA 2006 (in Brussels on 28 and 29 March).

In the Member Societies and Corporate Members section, we get another perspective on the important subject of radiological protection and training, this time from our colleagues in Romania. We also reflect upon the sad passing away of two former friends and colleagues in 2005, Professor Carlo Salvetti and Dr. Armen Abagyan and upon the legacy that they have left.

The significant changes among senior management at the top of the European Commission that were announced last December prompted the European Institutions section of ENS NEWS to focus, in particular, on the two new Director Generals who took over at the beginning of January, Matthias Ruete (DG TREN) and José Silva Rodriguez (DG RTD). We will continue to watch closely what impact they will have on the future of EU energy and energy research policy – and especially on our industry. Also on the EU front, ENS NEWS summarises the energy policy priorities of the Austrian Presidency.

The World News section puts the spotlight firmly on the recent climate change talks that took place just before Christmas, in Montreal, under the aegis of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which were marked by the eleventh-hour agreement reached with the US government on the post-Kyoto strategy for combating climate change. Could the US finally join the Kyoto fold? That remains to be seen.

The NucNet News section provides a summary of the recent “gas crisis” between Russia and Ukraine, an event that caused considerable media frenzy and highlighted clearly the crucial importance of ensuring security of energy supply. It also helped to underline the decisive role that nuclear energy can play in ensuring a clean and affordable supply of electricity to meet growing energy demand.

A new year, new people at the top at the European Commission, a new ENS President and Board, the first 2006 issue of ENS NEWS and a new Editor-in-Chief of ENS NEWS, Mark O’Donovan (e-mail:, who takes over from Andrew Teller – there really is no escaping Janus, the god of beginnings.

My best wishes to all our readers. I hope that 2006 will bring you and your families good health, happiness and prosperity.


Peter Haug
Secretary General

Mark O’Donovan


Frank Deconinck: A profile of the new man at the ENS helm.

Following the ENS Board and General Assembly that took place in December last year, ENS has a new President. He is Frank Deconinck, a Belgian from the Flemish city of Gent. ENS NEWS is delighted to welcome Frank on board and would like to present to readers – especially those of you who might not know him too well - this brief portrait of the new man at the ENS helm.



How to fit four elephants into a small car

There is an old joke that goes “How do you get four elephants in a small car?”. In case you haven’t heard this one before, the answer is: “Very simple, two in the front and two in the back”. I am reminded of this joke each time I stumble across a proposal for future energy policies coming from anti-nuclear quarters. I have in front of me an example of such a prospective study commissioned by a well-known anti-nuclear NGO. This one is dated September 2005, but it does not differ from many other similar, older analyses. It provides figures according to which, between 2010 and 2050, a moderately decreasing EU population would be consuming 31% less energy but generating 66% less carbon dioxide. In addition, during this period of time, the EU Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita would nevertheless increase by 148%.


ETRAP 2005

From 23 to 25 November 2005, ETRAP2005, the 3rd International conference on Education and Training in Radiological Protection, took place in Brussels. From 25 countries, the conference brought together 150 practitioners and policy makers from the medical and nuclear engineering sector, research institutions and the non-nuclear industry, alongside social scientists, safety experts, regulators, and representatives of national authorities and key international organisations.


Pime 2006

There is still time to register to PIME, so do so without delay!

Updated Preliminary Programme and registration form on


RRFM 2006

The Preliminary Programme is now on-line!

The preliminary programme covers issues of specific interest to all members of the research reactor community, in particular:


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