Issue No.11 Winter
(January 2006)


ENS News

Frank Deconick: A profile of the new man at the ENS helm

Tapping unusual quarters

ENS Events

Etrap 2005

PIME 2006

RRFM 2006

ENA 2006

Member Societies & Corporate Members

Modernizing Romanian Nuclear Education and Traning Systems

In Memoriam: Professor Carlo Salvetti (1919 – 2005)

European nuclear community mourns loss of Armen Abagyan

European Institutions

Changes in DG TREN + DG RTD

Austrian Presidency reveals its energy policy

ENS World News

COP 11 & COP/MOP 1

Country profile: Bulgaria

NucNet News

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

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Editorial staff

RRFM 2006RRFM 2006

RRFM 2006
30 April - 3 May 2006 in Sofia, Bulgaria



















































































New Director Generals at DG TREN and DG RTD

A major reshuffle of senior officials at the Commission took place last month as part of a standard procedure for periodically rotating senior posts within the European institutions. Here are the changes that affect DG TREN and DG RTD:

Matthias Ruete is the new Director General of DG TREN

Matthias Ruete
Matthias Ruete
Director General

Matthias Ruete is the new Director General for Energy and Transport. He is a lawyer by training and a very experienced European official, with 20 years service. He was previously Director of Directorate A, “Coordination of Competitiveness,” DG Enterprise. He speaks French and has an excellent reputation for efficiency and output. He was previously Commissioner Günter Verheugen's right-hand man at DG Enlargement with responsibility for coordination

and the drafting of strategic documents. Like Mr. Verheugen, he has German Social Democrat (SPD) political leanings. Matthias Ruete was very active on the Turkish dossier in 2004. According to one former colleague, "He is a man of compromise.”

Earlier in his career, he was attached to the old DG III, Industry, where he served as Deputy Head of Cabinet in Edith Cresson’s Cabinet (François Lamoureux was the Head of Cabinet). He also worked in the old DG VII, Transport, where he was in charge of the Trans-European Networks TENs).

With regards to experience of nuclear energy matters, Matthias Ruete worked in the field of radiation protection, in Luxembourg, in the late 80’s, in particular on the formulation of post-Chernobyl legislation (the restriction of contaminated foodstuffs from Central and Eastern Europe).

Here is a copy of his CV.




1984: Dr. Juris, University of Giessen, Law faculty
1978-1979: LLM (Lon), University of London
1975-1978: Assessor Juris (Second State Exam in Law), Government of Hessen
1968-1975: Law degree and bar studies, university of Marburg, Köln, Berlin, Giessen

Professional experience in the European Institutions:

2006-date: Director General DG « Energy and Transports »

2005: Director DG « Enterprise and Industry », « Coordination for Competitiveness »

July 2003-December 2004: Director DG « Enlargement », « Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and coordination »

May 2000-July 2003: Director DG « Enlargement », « Coordination of negotiations, pre-accession and financial instruments »

1998-2000: Director DG « Energy and Transport », « International relations, trans-European transport and infrastructure networks »

1995-1998: member, afterwards deputy head of cabinet – Cabinet of the Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Education.

1993-1995: Head of Unit DG «Industry » «Industrial co-operation »
1987-1993: Administrator, afterwards assistant to Director general DG « Internal Market and industrial Affairs »

1986-1987: Administrator DG « Social Affairs »

Professional experience before joining the European Institutions:

1982-1985: Visiting Lecturer in Law, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

1979-1982: Scientific Collaborator/Assistant/lecturer at the two Institutes for Public Law (Constitutional; European; International Public Law)

Other changes within DG TREN:

Prior to the reshuffle, DG TREN had two Deputy Director Generals. One was Hungarian Zoltan Kazatsay, who was given responsibility, one year ago, for coordinating the work of the three directorates responsible for transport activities: TREN.E “Inland Transport”, TREN.F “Air Transport” and TREN.G “Maritime and River Transport; Intermodality”. The other Deputy Director General is Fernando de Esteban, who is responsible for the coordination of nuclear activities in Luxembourg. He is in charge of two Directorates: TREN.H “Nuclear Energy” and TREN.I “Nuclear Safeguards.” Mr. de Esteban will retire next August.

In addition, President Barroso has decided to create a third post of Deputy Director General at DG.TREN. The new Deputy Director General will be responsible for energy activities covering Directorates TREN.C Conventional Sources of Energy and TREN.D New & Renewable Sources of Energy, Demand Management & Sustainable Development, in Brussels. This new post has been entrusted to Fabrizio Barbaso, who was acting Director General for Enlargement since 2003. Fabrizio Barbaso previously worked for several Italian Commissioners, including Carlo Ripa di Meana (Environment) and for many Directorate Generals (Industry, External Relations and Agriculture. He will be the key figure in the field of non-nuclear energy policy within DG.TREN.
The other significant changes that have been made to the DG’s organization chart are as follows:

  • Three new Assistants to the Director General have been nominated. They are Christine Berg, Filip Cornelis and Eddy Liégeois (Eddy Liegois was a member of the previous team)

  • At Directorate D New and Renewable Sources of Energy, Demand Management and Sustainable Development, Gonzalo Molina Igartua has been replaced as Advisor to the Director by the Austrian Karl Kellner, who was previously Head of Unit D.2 Management of RTD Energy Programmes (in 2000 he was Head of Unit for nuclear energy in 2000). Gonzalo Molina Igartua replaces karl Kellner as Head of Unit, D.2.

  • At Directorate F Air Transport, Unit F.4 Air Transport Agreements now also covers policy relating to Modernisation of Air Traffic Control.

  • At Directorate G Maritime and River Transport; Intermodality, Unit G.2 Inland Navigation and Ports is no longer in charge of the Short Sea Shipping file.

It is worth noting that no changes have yet been announced with regard to Direcorates TREN.H Nuclear Energy, TREN.I Nuclear Safeguards and TREN.J Security - Protection of Persons, of the Assets and the Facilities.

For full details of the new DG TREN Organisation Chart visit the DG’ website on:


José Manuel Silva Rodriguez is the new Director General of DG RTD

José Manuel Silva Rodriguez

Director General

The new Director General for Research (DG RTD) is the Spaniard José Manuel Silva Rodriguez, who was previously Director General for Agriculture. His successor in his former post is Frenchman Jean-Luc Demarty, who was previously Deputy Director General at DG Agriculture with responsibility for agricultural legislation, resources management and auditing of farming expenditure. Mr. Silva Rodriguez is an agricultural engineer. Like Matthias Ruete, he too has 20 years of experience at the European Commission.

Here is his CV.


Born in Chantada (Spain) 25/10/1949
Married – 2 children

Studies :

  • Agricultural engineer (ETSI AGRONOMOS – Madrid) - 1973

  • Degree in External trade (CEU-Madrid) - 1977

  • Diploma in European Communities (CEPADE-Madrid) - 1983

Previous positions

From 1971 until he joined SOIVRE (Servicio Oficial de Inspección, Vigilancia y Regulación de las Exportaciones – the Spanish Customs Inspection Service), as an inspector in the Ministry of Economy and Trade, he was a professor at the School of Agricultural Engineers in Madrid and worked in the private sector in export companies as well as on animal food projects.

Ministry of Economy and Trade (Madrid)

Employed in the Directorate general of Internal Trade and in the Directorate General for Trade Policy.

Secreteria de estado (Madrid)

Counsellor in agricultural affairs and member of the delegation for the Spanish accession negotiations.

European Commission

Since 1986, he has worked in the following posts :

  • Member of the Cabinet of Vice-President Manuel Marin - 1986

  • Head of unit for processed fruit and vegetables division - 1987-1990

  • Head of unit, Tobacco division - 1990

  • Head of unit, wine, spirits and derived products division - 1991-1993

  • Chief advisor of the Directorate General for Agriculture and Director of the Common Market Organisation for Vegetable Products - 1993-1997

  • Deputy Director General of Agriculture responsible for rural development - 1997

  • Director General for Agriculture and Rural Development - 1999-2005

  • Director General for Research - Jan. 2006

At Directorate RTD.J “Energy,” which is headed by the Spaniard Pablo Fernandez Ruiz, the main organizational change announced is in the area of thermo-nuclear fusion. In addition to Unit 5 “Joint Development of Fusion” and Unit 6 “Fusion Association Agreements,” a new unit (Unit 8) “Implementation of the European Legal Entity for ITER,” has been created. It is headed by the Greek official Stavros Chatzipanagiotou.

For full details of the new DG RTD Organisation Chart:


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