Issue No.11 Winter
(January 2006)


ENS News

Frank Deconick: A profile of the new man at the ENS helm

Tapping unusual quarters

ENS Events

Etrap 2005

PIME 2006

RRFM 2006

ENA 2006

Member Societies & Corporate Members

Modernizing Romanian Nuclear Education and Traning Systems

In Memoriam: Professor Carlo Salvetti (1919 – 2005)

European nuclear community mourns loss of Armen Abagyan

European Institutions

Changes in DG TREN + DG RTD

Austrian Presidency reveals its energy policy

ENS World News

COP 11 & COP/MOP 1

Country profile: Bulgaria

NucNet News

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff

RRFM 2006RRFM 2006

RRFM 2006
30 April - 3 May 2006 in Sofia, Bulgaria

















ETRAP 2005

From 23 to 25 November 2005, ETRAP2005, the 3rd International conference on Education and Training in Radiological Protection, took place in Brussels. From 25 countries, the conference brought together 150 practitioners and policy makers from the medical and nuclear engineering sector, research institutions and the non-nuclear industry, alongside social scientists, safety experts, regulators, and representatives of national authorities and key international organisations.

ETRAP2005 aimed to reinforce the contacts between various organisations and individuals dealing with education and training in radiological protection. The conference provided a platform for exchange of experiences and views on education and training policy and questioned issues related to harmonisation of training practice and of skills recognition. Special attention was paid to the education and training programmes and policy networks currently emerging at the European and global level.

The spectrum of applications and possible impacts of ionising radiation is very wide, covering specific practices and intervention situations. Although working with a variety of responsibilities and specific professional aims, practitioners and interventionists have a triple common need:

  • a basic education and training providing the required level of understanding of the physics of radiation and the theory and practice of radiological protection,

  • a standard for the recognition of skills and experience,

  • an opportunity to fine-tune and test acquired knowledge on a regular basis.

In addition, complying with specific European directives concerning the implementation of a coherent approach to RP E&T becomes crucial in a world of dynamic markets and increasing workers’ mobility. The enlargement of the EU by 10 new member states has to be considered as an additional challenge regarding the fulfilment of these requirements.

In this spirit, ETRAP2005 showed a common readiness to provide a coherent answer to the above mentioned triple need. Discussions during a special plenary session resulted in a conference declaration that was put forward to national and international policy makers at the end of the conference. The declaration identifies 4 elements of key importance :


Starting from existing international definitions and guidelines, clarification of the terminology and of the responsibilities of each relevant category of addressee is the main prerequisite for ensuring mutual understanding of the issues at stake.


Qualifications, the related requirements and methods for assessing them should be harmonised as much as possible, taking into account the need for continuous education and training and the diversity of national approaches. Within this context, confidence building across institutional and national borders is a prerequisite for mutual recognition. One tool that can help build up this confidence is a process of reciprocal peer-reviewing of expertise.

Broadening the perspective

The theory and practice of radiological protection should be embedded within an overall governance of health and safety, and its focus should be widened by including trans-disciplinary aspects such as risk assessment and involvement of stakeholders. An integrated approach to education and training, in this sense, will enable professionals to gain more confidence in their work and to maintain credibility towards stakeholders and the general public.

International cooperation

International organisations should continue to initiate and foster projects and networks relating to education and training in radiological protection. They are urged to ensure synergy between ongoing and new initiatives by establishing the co-ordination of efforts on an international level. With the aid and support of Member States, they should explore conditions to guarantee the sustainability of successful projects and networks beyond their initial support phase. Finally, they are called upon to further develop common standards and requirements in order to ensure an integrated and harmonised approach to education and training in radiological protection.

The full text of the declaration and all papers that were presented during the conference can be found on This website will also cover all future ETRAP conferences and related activities.


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