Second bi-annual conference on 28-29 March 2006
Mariott Hotel, Brussels Belgium
Rising oil and gas prices are unsustainable.
Climate change continues to threaten the environment.Energy demand
continues to spiral. The current energy mix cannot adequately
meet that demand, sothe specter of power cuts and black-outs could
return to haunt us.
The scenario is a familiar one. The economic
and environmental challenges remain the same. But theenergy debate
has a new sense of direction and impetus. Economists, scientists,
politicians andenvironmentalists are increasingly recognizing
that nuclear energy is the only major energy source thatcan provide
a secure supply of affordable and environmentally-friendly electricity.
The time is ripe forthe nuclear community to seize the initiative.
The European Nuclear Assembly (ENA), a biannual
conference organized by FORATOM, provides anideal opportunity
for politicians, industry experts, scientists and stakeholder
representatives fromaround the world to discuss the nuclear issues
that really count and to focus not on problems, but onsolutions.
It also provides the nuclear community with a platform for stating
the nuclear case loud andclear and for communicating to policy-makers
and the public the message that nuclear energy is acentral part
of the solution.
Note down the dates in your diary now and make
sure that you are part of the debate on the presentand the future
of the nuclear industry.
Who should attend
MEPs - officials from the European Commission
- Permanent Representatives from theMember States - journalists
- the CEOs, directors and managers of nuclear power-generating
companies - energy and business policy-makers.
Conference President
Mike Parker, CEO of the British
Nucler Fuels plc.
Conference Venue
Mariott Hotel
Journalists are welcome to attend the ENA, during
which a press conference will also take place.
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