PIME 2007

Make time for PIME!

Dear Colleagues,

Bringing together nuclear communications specialists from around the world to share experiences, exchange views and promote communications excellence – that is the aim of PIME, the annual Public Information Materials Exchange.

Now in its twentieth year, PIME has established itself as a not-to-be-missed key event for nuclear communications professionals. The secret of PIME’s success is the combination of a thought-provoking programme and an array of experts and speakers representing the industry, EU institutions and the scientific community.

The next edition will take place from 11 to 15 February 2007 in Milan.

Dare to share!

Play your part in the success of PIME 2007 by submitting your proposal for a presentation to the Programme Committee by 1st October 2007. Share your expertise with fellow communicators and help fashion the nuclear industry’s future communications strategy. The attached Call for Papers includes all the necessary details.

Help us spread the news about PIME and make sure your colleagues in the communications field get to know about the event through our website or via this e-mail.

We hope you will join us in Milan next year!

PIME 2007 Conference Secretariat


As professional communicators we all know that knowledge is power - once people are empowered with the facts they can draw their own conclusions and form their own opinions. How skilfully we connect with our audiences - providing them with clear and easy-to-understand information, emphasising key messages, conveying core values - determines how positively we are perceived. The onus on professional communicators to deliver results is, therefore, great - especially with the nuclear renaissance gathering steam. But so too are the rewards that high impact communications can bring in terms of promoting understanding, enhancing public acceptance and fostering a positive image.

The 2007 PIME Award for Communications Excellence aims to recognise the achievements of professional communicators in the nuclear industry who have successfully connected with their audiences, helped to dispel myths and misinformation about nuclear energy and enhanced the image of our industry.

This year the PIME Award entrants will be required to provide some basic information on the campaign they are entering for the award: the campaign’s objectives, the communications strategy adopted, the results that it achieved and why they think it should receive the award. As always, as much supporting documentation as possible should be sent it, like press articles, photos, DVDs, newsletters, web pages or promotional materials.

This information will help the jury – which will be made up of fellow communicators – to decide upon the winning entry. The focus will be on campaigns that show the most creative strategy, illustrative an innovative use of communications tools and can show tangible results. Multi-media packages backed up by sophisticated audiovisuals and glossy brochures can provide impressive results, but so too can a campaign that ran on limited resources. It’s all about grass roots, creative communications that really reach out to their audience.

We hope that lots of nuclear communicators will take part in this year’s award and that high impact communications will receive the recognition that it deserves.

More details regarding the 2007 PIME Award for Communications Excellence will be posted on the PIME web pages of the ENS web site. So, keep your eyes peeled and start preparing your entries now!


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