NUSIM 2008: Joint Conference of the Slovak, Czech
and German Nuclear Societies
It’s hard to believe... but the 16th NUSIM (NUclear Seminar
and Information Meeting) is
already history. Only the more mature members will remember the
first editions of this well-established conference. In fact,
the first NUSIM took part in 1992, in Plzen (the Czech Republic,
although at that time it was still Czechoslovakia). It is an
annual conference organized jointly by the Czech, Slovak and
German Nuclear Societies.
After the first NUSIM in Plzen, the subsequent
meetings have taken place in the following cities:
1993 - Isar (Germany),
1994 - Piestany (Slovakia),
1995 - Praha (Czech Republic),
1996 - Obrigheim (Germany),
1997 - Levice (Slovakia),
1998 - Trebic (Czech Republic),
1999 - Erlangen (Germany),
2000 - Casta (Slovakia),
2001 - Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic),
2002 - Dresden (Germany),
2003 - Bratislava (Slovakia),
2005 - Tabor (Czech Republic),
2006 - Levice (Slovakia) and
2007 - Liberec (Czech Republic).
At this year’s conference, that took
place on 24 & 25 April, 118 members of the organizing nuclear
societies, participants from the three organizing countries,
guests from the European Commission, Austria, Hungary, France
and Italy convened at the mountain holiday resort of Casta Papiernicke,
which is used by the Slovakian Parliament.
A series of presentations were given during
a number of sessions. The sessions covered a range of topics
such as: the outlook for nuclear power in the EU and neighbouring
and partner countries; maintenance, service and engineering strategies;
new reactor units for Europe; the modernization of NPPs; safety
upgrading; decommissioning, radioactive waste management and
environmental impacts and presentations of young generation.
During the plenary session, guest speakers described
current nuclear energy policy in Slovakia (Jozef Tomek), Germany
(Reinhard Heck) and the Czech Republic (Ivo Kouklik). In addition
there was a presentation about the prospects for nuclear power
in Hungary (Tamas Pazmandi) and about the struggle to maintain
nuclear knowledge in an antinuclear environment in Austria (Helmut
Boeck). Marc Deffrennes from the European Commission’s
DG Research gave an impressive overview of EU energy policy and
of research and training initiatives in a broader context.
In total, 29 presentations were given by experts
on current state-of-the-art provisions for nuclear education,
research, industry, health care, power plant operation and waste
management. Everyone was focused on achieving one common goal – promoting
the peaceful use of nuclear energy by using human skills and
expertise to ensure protection against ionizing radiation and
by operating nuclear power plants that offer economically efficient
electricity production while at the same time protecting the
Many thanks should go to all those who presented
papers at NUSIM 2008. They contributed to the conference’s
high level of professionalism. The presentations indicated that
there is a reawakening of the European nuclear industry,
with policy-makers trying to keep pace. The subject of decommissioning
and radioactive waste management have always been and will remain
very important and in the years to come. This is especially true
for Slovakia, which faces the shutdown, in December 2008, of
the second unit at its NPP V-1. This will inevitably play even
more central role in the sustainable development of nuclear power.
Graduate and post-graduate students from the
national Young Generation sections demonstrated that in spite
of the global lack of young specialists in the nuclear science
field, there is still a glimmer of hope that the next generation
of experts is already taking shape at universities today.
After a full day of presentations and discussions
participants had an opportunity to visit the construction site
of Units 3 and 4 at Mochovce NPP and the Slovakian radioactive
waste repository at Mochovce.
Feedback received from NUSIM participants was
unanimously positive and this was not simply because of the lovely
gala dinner after Day 1 of the conference! Many participants
are doubtless already looking forward to NUSIM 2009, which will
take place in the Czech Republic.
Vladimir Slugen (SNUS), Václav Hanus
(CNS), Konstantin Jacoby (KTG)