Issue No. 47 Winter
(February 2015)


ENS News

Word from the President


ENS Events

PIME 2015

RRFM 2015

TopFuel 2015

Member Societies

NENE 2015


The French Nuclear Society signs a cooperation agreement with the Turkish Nuclear Engineers Society

SNE news

Belgian scientists harness latest technology in search for elementary particles

Fun and sophistication at the nuclear industry's social event of the year

XIIIth Symposium of the Hungarian Nuclear Society

The NI is to inspire future nuclear scientists at National Big Bang Fair

YGN Report

The NI award excellence prizes to young professionals

Experience exchange at Kozloduy NPP

“Nuclear energy and the energy mix” – the example of knowledge transfer

The Bulgarian Young Generation Network organises workshop to celebrate its 15th anniversary

ENYGF 2015

Corporate Members

L-3 MAPPS Participates in Opening of Upgraded Heysham 1 Simulator

NRG finalizes qualification irradiation of the China-manufactured fuel for use in the new HTR-PM nuclear power plant

VII International Forum ATOMEXPO

ENS World News

Show some emotion

WANO Scholarships now open

6th EUTERP Workshop | Legislative change in Europe: the implications for training in radiation protection - Rising to the challenge

ENS sponsored conferences

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff

PIME 2015

PIME 2015
1- 4 March 2015 in Bratislava, Slovakia

RRFM 2015

RRFM 2015
19 - 23 April 2015 in
Bucharest, Romania


TopFuel 2015

Topfuel 2015
13 - 17 September 2015 in Zurich, Switzerland



France is one of the world's most advanced nations in the domain of nuclear science and its applications. Among its various French regions active in the sector, Normandy offers numerous advantages in the fields of energy and health by combining high-level expertise and know-how developed through many years of experience in research, training and industry. So, 10 % of France’s Basic Nuclear Facilities are based in Normandy, a region that accounts for almost 10 % of the country’s total industrial jobs, and where a quarter of French nuclear companies have a branch office. In the Cotentin area alone (North West of Normandy), two 1300 MW EDF reactors are located. It is also the site of the future EPR reactor (Flamanville) and of AREVA’s La Hague fuel recycling plant. In this territory alone the nuclear industry provides more than 13 000 highly-qualified jobs, mostly stable jobs that cannot be relocated. Furthermore, in the urban conurbation of Caen the nuclear health sector employs around 1,000 jobs, including 800 researchers, research trainers and 150 PhD students.

In 2008 and 2009, two position papers led to the creation, on 17 September 2010, of the Norman centre of nuclear sciences and applications, NUCLEOPOLIS.  Its founder and first president was Daniel GUERREAU who, three years later, handed over control to Serge BOUFFARD.


Today, Nucleopolis brings together in Normandy the nuclear expertise of several companies involved in research, training and industry – companies active across the entire nuclear science value chain, in particular in the fields of energy and heath and in the cross-cutting field of risk control. It consists of nearly 70 members, including renowned research and training organisations (GANIL, CEA, CNRS, ENSICAEN, Caen University, etc.), major industrial companies (AREVA, EDF, GDF-SUEZ and DCNS) and a network of successful SMEs. This know-how is the result of extensive experience gained in major nuclear installations such as the AREVA La Hague recycling plant, the Flamanville reactors, GANIL and future innovative projects such as ARCHADE, SPIRAL2 and AREVA Med.  

The activities of Nucleopolis are guided by three strategic objectives aimed at providing a service for its member companies, the nuclear sector and the Norman territory. Nucleopolis has one mission: to enhance the economic development of the nuclear sector and, consequently, to stimulate employment. Its objectives are as follows:

  • to provide companies with quality service and innovation: the aim here is to make companies more competitive by supporting them with their development projects, by helping them target new markets and promote innovative strategies. Nucleopolis proposes four types of service to its member companies, either directly or through subcontracted support: network management, market itinerary (i.e. to allow companies to adapt to the specific aspects of the nuclear market, help them win new markets, simplify their export formalities and their relations with contracting authorities...), skill itinerary (consolidate the know-how of companies and provide training in support of their employees), and, finally, innovation itinerary (develop innovative capabilities by fostering new ideas and projects, by communicating the innovative capabilities of research organisations, by acting as interface with laboratories outside Normandy and by helping with the search for partners, funding, etc.).

  • to be the reference regional player for the nuclear industry and to make Nucleopolis the gateway of the Normandy nuclear industry in order to guide companies looking for services through labyrinthine existing structures, while at the same time offering regional communities its knowledge of the sector and its expertise.

  • To be the ambassador for Normandy’s excellence in the nuclear domain by promoting the nuclear industry, its know-how and skills in Normandy, and by increasing its legitimacy outside the region; in other words, to take part in national and international events and participate in national bodies (for example, the CSFN (the Strategic Committee of the French Nuclear Industry), to help make the region more attractive and, finally, to develop the Nucleopolis "brand".

Location of Nucleopolis members

Since its creation, Nucleopolis has received active support from governmental institutions: the State, the Lower Normandy Regional Council, the Manche General Council, the Calvados General Council, the Cherbourg Urban Community and the Caen la Mer conurbation. It also receives support from Europe through FEDER, the European Fund for Economic and Regional Development.


Contact : Stéphane Bresson : +33 (0)231452968


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