Issue No. 47 Winter
(February 2015)


ENS News

Word from the President


ENS Events

PIME 2015

RRFM 2015

TopFuel 2015

Member Societies

NENE 2015


The French Nuclear Society signs a cooperation agreement with the Turkish Nuclear Engineers Society

SNE news

Belgian scientists harness latest technology in search for elementary particles

Fun and sophistication at the nuclear industry's social event of the year

XIIIth Symposium of the Hungarian Nuclear Society

The NI is to inspire future nuclear scientists at National Big Bang Fair

YGN Report

The NI award excellence prizes to young professionals

Experience exchange at Kozloduy NPP

“Nuclear energy and the energy mix” – the example of knowledge transfer

The Bulgarian Young Generation Network organises workshop to celebrate its 15th anniversary

ENYGF 2015

Corporate Members

L-3 MAPPS Participates in Opening of Upgraded Heysham 1 Simulator

NRG finalizes qualification irradiation of the China-manufactured fuel for use in the new HTR-PM nuclear power plant

VII International Forum ATOMEXPO

ENS World News

Show some emotion

WANO Scholarships now open

6th EUTERP Workshop | Legislative change in Europe: the implications for training in radiation protection - Rising to the challenge

ENS sponsored conferences

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff

PIME 2015

PIME 2015
1- 4 March 2015 in Bratislava, Slovakia

RRFM 2015

RRFM 2015
19 - 23 April 2015 in
Bucharest, Romania


TopFuel 2015

Topfuel 2015
13 - 17 September 2015 in Zurich, Switzerland

“Nuclear energy and the energy mix” – the example of knowledge transfer

Young members of the Romanian Nuclear Energy Association (RYG – AREN), along with those of the VLER (Romanian Future Energy Leaders - RFEL) programme – which is part of the Romanian Energy Council – recently launched their first joint project: a scientific seminar on the topic Nuclear energy and the energy mix. It took place in early November 2014.

During three hours, the amphitheater Acad. Martin Bercovici, of ISPE Headquarters, witnessed the thirst for knowledge and curiosity of the


visiting students from Bucharest, who attended this, the first ever, educational project of its kind dedicated to energy topics.

“We wanted to create an educational programme that would raise the awareness of the young generation of energy in general, and of energy sources and their impact on the environment in particular. During the seminar we were able to facilitate the transfer of knowledge between national energy sector specialists and the young Romanian audience. We were also able to communicate detailed and accurate information about energy, outline some positive impacts on the environment and, above all, to highlight the new reality created by recent EU energy policy initiatives and Directives,” stated Gabriel Pavel, Chairman of RYG.  

Among the specialists who responded positively to this initiative to speak to young students about energy were Acad. Dr. Ionut Purica, Dr. Virgil Musatescu and Dr. Ruxandra Sapoi. Their presentations captured the attention of the more than 80 high-school students from Bucharest, who attended the seminar with their physics, biology and chemistry teachers.

“We are pleased to note the enthusiasm generated among the participants by this joint AREN-YG – VLER project. The most important thing of all is that they all learnt how and where nuclear energy is produced and had the opportunity to see and assemble a fuel bundle mock-up. As of today, they now know the advantages and disadvantages of various energy sources. The success of this seminar, together with the positive feedback that was received, encourages us to repeat the event in the future and to meet students’ curiosity and desire for knowledge

project on energy topics

with new attractive and initiatives that reflect important topics. These will be complemented by practical exercises and demonstrations from experts in the field”, stated Livia Chitu, Vice Chairwoman of RYG, who is also a member of the RFEL programme.

“When we proposed to RFEL members that they work together on this project we felt it was our duty to compensate in some way the lack of clear, concise and professional information on energy, nuclear energy or energy options and new global trends. We are living in a constantly changing world, and information is considered to be the most precious of all commodities.

Where there are gaps, we can provide support and we can facilitate dialogue to overcome them”, added Mr. Pavel.


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