Issue No. 47 Winter
(February 2015)


ENS News

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PIME 2015

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The French Nuclear Society signs a cooperation agreement with the Turkish Nuclear Engineers Society

SNE news

Belgian scientists harness latest technology in search for elementary particles

Fun and sophistication at the nuclear industry's social event of the year

XIIIth Symposium of the Hungarian Nuclear Society

The NI is to inspire future nuclear scientists at National Big Bang Fair

YGN Report

The NI award excellence prizes to young professionals

Experience exchange at Kozloduy NPP

“Nuclear energy and the energy mix” – the example of knowledge transfer

The Bulgarian Young Generation Network organises workshop to celebrate its 15th anniversary

ENYGF 2015

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L-3 MAPPS Participates in Opening of Upgraded Heysham 1 Simulator

NRG finalizes qualification irradiation of the China-manufactured fuel for use in the new HTR-PM nuclear power plant

VII International Forum ATOMEXPO

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6th EUTERP Workshop | Legislative change in Europe: the implications for training in radiation protection - Rising to the challenge

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PIME 2015

PIME 2015
1- 4 March 2015 in Bratislava, Slovakia

RRFM 2015

RRFM 2015
19 - 23 April 2015 in
Bucharest, Romania


TopFuel 2015

Topfuel 2015
13 - 17 September 2015 in Zurich, Switzerland


Press release - January 19th 2015

The French Nuclear Society signs a cooperation agreement with the Turkish Nuclear Engineers Society.

The French Nuclear Society (SFEN) and its Turkish counterpart, the Turkish Nuclear Engineers Society (NMD – Nükleer Mühendisleri Dernegi), signed on Monday, January 19th in Ankara, Turkey, an agreement for cooperation in the nuclear field.

SFEN was represented by its vice-President, Christophe Béhar while the NMD was represented by its President, Prof. Dr. Cemal Niyazi Sokmen. The cooperation agreement was signed at the French Embassy in Ankara in presence of the French Ambassador, H.E. Laurent Bili, the Under-State Secretary of Energy Mr. Metin Kilci, the President of the TAEK Nuclear Safety Authority, Mr. Zafer Alper and other representatives of the Turkish government, universities and the industry (AREVA, GDF-SUEZ).

Prof. Dr. Cemal Niyazi Sokmen & Christophe Béhar signed the convention in Ankara
Prof. Dr. Cemal Niyazi Sokmen & Christophe Béhar signed the convention in Ankara

This agreement is fully in line with the cooperation between France and Turkey in the nuclear field. Its general objective is the advancement of science and technology in the field of nuclear energy. The aim is to share knowledge on nuclear energy between experts and professionals of each country, promote exchanges and contribute to support the development of nuclear energy in Turkey. It also includes the exchange of information on conferences and seminars organized by each society.

Turkey officially launched its nuclear program in 2007. Two nuclear power plants construction projects are currently underway. One of them is carried-out by a French-Japanese-Turkish consortium being set-up of GDF Suez, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, Itoshu and EÜAŞ, the largest electric power company in Turkey. It includes the construction of 4 ATMEA-1 reactors in Sinop (Coast of Black sea).

About SFEN

The French Nuclear Society (SFEN) is a non-profit, international, scientific and educational organization. Founded in 1973, SFEN includes 3,500 members, researchers, engineers, professionals, physicians working mostly in the nuclear field. Its purpose is to promote the progress of nuclear science and technology and to contribute to the public knowledge about this form of energy.

About NMD

The Turkish Nuclear Engineers Society is a non-profit organization gathering 180 nuclear engineers. Established in 1992, its main missions are to support the peaceful use of nuclear energy in Turkey and to support the training and education in Nuclear Engineering field.

Press contact

Isabelle Jouette
+33 (0)1 53 58 32 20

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