ETRAP 2009
organised by European Nuclear Society

co-organised by the Nuclear and Technological Institute ITN

co-organised by SCK.CEN


sponsored by IAEA

co-sponsored by OECD Nuclear Energy Agency


ETRAP 2009

4th International Conference on Education and Training in Radiological Protection

8 - 12 November 2009, Lisbon, Portugal


Tuesday 10 November 2009

9.00 - 11.00


Chair: S. Mundigl (EC)


ENETRAP II 7FP: development of E&T schemes for radiation protection experts and officers
M. Coeck (SCK•CEN) - Belgium

The EUTERP Platform: Results of the 3rd Workshop
F. Draaisma (Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group NRG) – the Netherlands

The Role of EFOMP in the Integration of Radiation Protection into the General Health and Safety Education and Training of Health Professionals Through National and International Networks
W. van der Putten, S. Christofides, M. Wasilewska-Radwanska (European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics) – United Kingdom

ENEN’s Challenges in Response to the Industry and Regulatory Needs
P. De Regge, R. Kusumi  (European Nuclear Education Network Association), J. Safieh (CEA/INSTN) - France

Role of Small Research Reactors in Education and Training in Radiological Protection
H. Böck (Atominstitut) – Austria; J. Marques (Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear) – Portugal, A. Aszódi (Institute of Nuclear Techniques, Budapest) – Hungary; L. Sklenka  (Department of Nuclear Reactors, Czech Technical University) – Czech Republic

A Network to enhance Cooperation for Higher Education on Radiological Protection
J. Rodenas (Universidad Politénica de Valencia) - Spain

11.00 - 11.20

Coffee Break

11.20 – 12.30


 Chair: A. Schmitt-Hannig (BfS)


Keynote speech:
Sector-specific in-house Education and Training at Siemens
K-M. Schlicke  (Siemens AG) – Germany

Education and Training of Radiation Protection Officers in Sweden
V. Nilsson (Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB (NPP)) - Sweden

Not able to distinguish between X-ray tube and image intensifier: fact or fiction? Skills in radiation protection with focus outside radiological departments
E.G. Friberg, A. Widmark, M. Solberg, T. Wøhni, G. Saxebøl  (Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, Section for Dosimetry and Medical Applications) – Norway

12.30 -13.20

Lunch Break

13.20 -14.20


Poster Session


14.20 – 15.40


 Chair: F. Draaisma (NRG)


Optimizing Radiation Protection in Medical Practice
X. Ortega, M. Ginjaume, (Institute of Energy Technology, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)) – Spain; E. Carinou (Greek Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC)) – Greece; F. Vanhavere (Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK•CEN)) – Belgium; I. Clairand (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN)) – France; G. Gualdrini (Radiation Protection Unit ENEA) – Italy; M. Sans-Merce (University Hospital Center Vaudois (CHUV)) – Switzerland

Education of Health Physicists and Health Physics Technicians at Danish Decommissioning
J. Silva, B. Lauridsen (Dansk Dekommissionering) - Denmark

Radiation Protection Education for Physicians in training. Three years experience.
P.Garcia Castañon; M.L. España Lopez; V. Fernandez Bedoya; R. Bermudez Luna (Radiation Protection Department, Hospital Universitario La Princesa) – Spain

Enhancing Bruce Power’s Management Model - Laying a Foundation for RP Excellence
M. McQueen, S. Brisette (Bruce Power) - Canada

15.40 - 16.00

Coffee Break

16.00 – 17.20


Chair: A. Jouve (EC)


Idaho State University Radiological Protection Education and Training for the Nuclear Renaissance
J. Harris (Idaho State University) – United States

Educational Programme in Nuclear Security
M. Gregoric, A. Braunegger-Guelich, P. Colgan, V. Rukhlo (IAEA)

Lecturing Ethics in Cources on Radiological Protection and Nuclear Technology Assessment: Feedback on 5Y of Academic Experience
G. Meskens (SCK•CEN - PISA (Programme of Integration of Social Aspects into Nuclear Research)), M. Coeck (SCK•CEN - isRP (international school for Radiological Protection)) - Belgium

Integration of Radiation Protection into a general health and safety training?
S.Severitt (B.A.D GmbH, Abteilung Fraunhofer) - Germany


ETRAP Conference Dinner



Graphics and Design: Marion Brünglinghaus, ENS