ENS Education % Training Platform

Education & Training

Czech Republic Czech Republic

General Information

General information

Bachelor studies:

The Bachelor study programme usually takes three to four years and covers all the main disciplines, except Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Law and some other fields. The programme aims at providing a qualification to both practice a profession and continue studying in a master's programme. This cycle leads to the academic degree of "bakalář" (Bc.) or "bakalář umění" (BcA.) in the field of Arts. Students must sit for a state final examination, part of which is usually the defence of the Bachelor thesis.

Master studies:

The Master programme lasts from one to three years after the Bachelor. In Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy and Law, where there are no Bachelor studies, the Master programme lasts from 4 to 6 years. At the end of this stage, students must sit for a State final examination part of which is composed of the defence of a diploma thesis. The holders of the degree of "magistr" can sit for a State Rigorosum examination in the same field and defend a thesis to acquire the academic degree of “doktor práv" (JUDr.) in Law , "doktor filosofie" (PhDr.) in the Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, "doktor přírodních věd" (RNDr.) in natural sciences or "doktor farmacie" (PharmDr.) in Pharmacy.

Doctoral studies:

The third and highest level of higher education consists in studies for the Doctorate under the guidance of a tutor. The programme comprises scientific research and independent study. The programme usually lasts between three and four years. Holders of a Master's Degree (Mgr., MgA., Ing., Ing.arch., MUDr., MDDr., MVDr.) may apply. Studies lead to the academic degree of "doktor" (Ph.D.) or "doktor teologie" (Th.D.) in the field of Theology. Studies end with the State Doctoral examination and the defence of a dissertation.
