ENS Education % Training Platform

Education & Training

The Netherlands The Netherlands

General Information

General Information

Nuclear Power in Netherlands

Information about studying in the Netherlands

The Netherlands higher education system is a binary system, composed of Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (WO which is more research-oriented and traditionally offered by universities) and Hoger Beroepsonderwijs (HBO - professional higher education, traditionally offered by High schools). WO programmes provide education and research in a wide range of disciplines: language and culture, behaviour and society, economics, law, medical and health sciences, natural sciences, engineering and agriculture. The higher education system in the Netherlands is organized around a three-cycle degree system consisting of bachelor, master and PhD degrees.


A WO bachelor's programme requires the completion of 180 credits (3 years) and graduates obtain the degree Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science (BA/BSc), depending on the discipline. The WO bachelor's programme provides a thorough introduction to the major discipline and primarily prepares students for admission to graduate education. An HBO bachelor's programme requires the completion of 240 credits (4 years) and graduates obtain a degree indicating the field of study.


A WO master's programme requires the completion of 60, 90 or 120 credits (1,1.5 or 2 years). In engineering, agriculture, math and the natural sciences, 120 credits are always required. A master's thesis is a major component of the programme and graduates obtain the degree of Master of Arts or Master of Science (MA/MSc). The WO master's programme requires the completion of 60 to 120 credits and graduates obtain a degree indicating the field of study. An HBO master's programme requires the completion of 60, 90 or 120 credits (1, 1.5 or 2 years), and graduates obtain a degree indicating the field of study (for example: Master of Social Work).


The Dutch Doctoraat is obtained through the 'Promotie'. It is a research degree which entitles the holder to the title of Doctor (dr.), the highest university degree in the Netherlands. After the master's degree, it can be obtained in two ways: 1. by serving as 'Assistent in Opleiding' (AIO) or 'Onderzoeker in Opleiding' (OIO), i.e. assistant researchers. The former also does some teaching. Candidates are required to carry out the necessary research and to write and publicly defend a doctoral dissertation over a period of four years. 
